Our Mutual Ascension (Lead me, my Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I’d like to tell you how to learn to hear your Soul – to talk with your Higher Self. Now it becomes especially important, because you can make the last step, separating you from the Shift, only after merging with your Soul completely. I’ll share with you my experience – how I’ve been able to do that, while incarnated in the body of Yeshua. My merging with the Soul have happened during my stay in Agartha. There the Priests have taught me...

Our Mutual Ascension (The Energy Embrace)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! In continuation of meditation, which I have given you in a previous message, I’d like to tell you how to remain on that level, which you have reached after merging with your Soul and assuming the consciousness of the Divine human. I understand, dear ones, how it is difficult to do, being in a third dimensional world, where the energy of chaos rules. Every day and every hour, many of you are subjected to attacks from the people with lower vibrations, from the...

Our Mutual Ascension (Assuming Consciousness of the Divine Human)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I’d like to gift you with one practice, which would help you to realize the power hidden in your consciousness and how it could influence your body; when you are in a state close to the one that Indians call nirvana. If you could master this practice, you would gain Faith in your power and would sense your Divinity. It is very important to carry this meditation in a state of complete peace and harmony, after freeing your soul from the burden of daily...

Our Mutual Ascension
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I would like to start a new series of messages named “Our Mutual Ascension.” Why have I decided to choose such a specific name? I know that many of you associate a new stage of the development of humanity with the Second Coming of Christ. During your numerous incarnations, you have absorbed into yourself this information and this very concept is already in your flesh and blood, in your deep memory. It has become a symbol of the new beautiful life and...

The Connecting Link
Greetings, our dear earthlings! Today we decided to tell you about our work, so you may have a complete picture of what kind of help is given to you by the friendly alien civilizations. Perhaps, our work is more modest in scope than the work of the Arcturias, Andromedians, and Sirians, but we think it is not less important. Our work consists of us being a connecting link between the alien civilizations and civilizations, inhabiting your planet in the parallel worlds and dimensions, and we...

Unification of energies
Greetings, our dear earthlings! We have come here today to tell you about our role in assisting the Shift of the Earth into the fifth dimensional space. Because the energies coming to Earth have assumed different qualities and vibrations, starting from the New Year and especially from mid January, we use all our forces to help people adapt to them, without harm to their health, physical and emotional. And that’s what we do for that. We have developed a certain plan of actions, which...

Balancing the human consciousness
Greetings, our dear earthlings! We have come to you today to tell you about the nature of our work here on earth. It is a very crucial period of time on Earth now, when the reconstruction of the entire system of human values in the consciousness of the people is happening, but at the same time the events of the material plane continue to develop, according to the old scenario. These events do not fulfill the expectations of the people, and do not catch up with the growth in the human...

Solar eclipse
Today I deflect from my theme, because of the event that is going to happen, which is capable to completely influence your subtle bodies, and I’d like you to spend it consciously. The solar eclipse, which is expected on Earth tomorrow, will be a milestone which will finally separate the third dimensional world from the new energy space that your planet have already entered. How could it influence you, dear ones? First of all, there would be a considerable raising of the level of vibrations,...

Purification of the ozone layer of Earth
Greetings, our dear earthlings! Today we would like to share with you the last news, connected with our assistance to Earth with its shift into the Fifth dimension. As you already know, according to the plan developed by the Galactic Federation, each of its members contributes into the common cause of saving the earth. Our work is maintaining the ozone layer in a state which is safe for you. Very much has been said and written about the destruction of the ozone layer and the kind of danger it...

News from the Galactic Federation of Light (February 10, 2018)
Greetings, our dear earthlings! The Galactic Federation of Light instructed me to give you the following message. After the moon eclipse when the moon has been colored red, your earth made an enormous jump into the new level of vibrations. I know that many of you have noticed that based on your physical and psychological state. At the same time, the Dark forces on the astral plane and the reptiloids, incarnated in the human bodies, has became very active. If such “a shake up” positively...

My true Teaching (God is Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! And in conclusion, I’d like to tell you about another Law of the Universe, which plays a very important role in human life. It is the Law of cause and effect that I have wished to explain to the people – that God never punishes people for anything. All the adversities in your life happen, because you YOURSELF attracted them by your thoughts, emotions and actions. Just as all the happy and joyful events in your life come to you as an award for the...

My true Teaching (Love begets Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Thus, let’s continue our conversation about what I’ve considered to be the most important in my Teaching, and how I’ve tried to explain it to the people. I think that I’ve paid the most attention to the Law of the Universe “as within, so without,” because the deep understanding of this law, and most important, its life application could change the destiny of man and make him truly happy. I’ve explained to people that it is not only necessary to...