The Second Coming of Christ (Judgment of the Crowd)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, the day has arrived, which would stay forever in the historic annals of humanity. Yeshua came out of his physical body, while still being in prison, just as it has been forethought by the Father. He has been in a a very unusual state of consciousness. It seemed he looked at himself from the side, unseen by the people, while his twin self acted like nothing happened. The separation of his human and Divine essence had occurred. One of them stayed...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Night before the Execution)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, we approach a culmination of our story about the first coming of Christ. The next morning, Yeshua had to finish the mission, for which he had come to Earth. He already knew what would be the choice of the crowd, because Father had shown him his exit from the Earth plane in all details, by moving him into the future. Together, they had already “rehearsed” the last act of this Divine “play,” and now Yeshua would only had to...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Arrest)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, let’s continue our story. Yeshua decided not to wait until he is arrested, but went to Pontius Pilate the next morning. Besides, he sensed how much Pilate was suffering from headache, which had gripped him after reading denunciation. The guards immediately brought him to the quarters of Pilate, who was half reclining on the ottoman near the open window. He felt as if his head was exploding. For entire night, he could not close his eyes,...

The Second Coming of Christ (Judas)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, we’ll continue our story about the last days of Yeshua’s life. They were filled with joy and pain, determination and sadness – those contradictory feelings that are common for a man before taking a decisive step, when he is summing up his entire life on Earth. Even though, Mary had expected this resolution and prepared herself for all these years, she was overwhelmed with a deep feeling of sadness; it was so difficult to imagine...

The Second Coming of Christ (Resolution)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, the most dramatic episode in Yeshua’s life was approaching. As soon as he had come out of the residence of the Pontius Pilate, Yeshua realized that he would be a person who will sign his death sentence, and then would repent it for the rest of his life. He “saw” clearly that Pontius Pilate was one of the heroes of that Divine “play,” which had been forethought by the Creator, for the awakening of the people and...

The Second Coming of Christ (Confrontation of the Two Worlds)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue with our story. As soon as the doors were closed after Yeshua, Pontius Pilate allowed himself to express his feelings. The tears were freely rolling out of his eyes. It seemed that this mysterious man penetrated the most hidden corners of his soul, and said what he have not had the courage to admit himself. He understood how right was Yeshua – that this unending inner struggle have exhausted him not only morally but...

The Second Coming of Christ (Pontius Pilate)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue with our story. Mother Mary’s premonition has not deceived her. Numerous denunciations, written against Yeshua and coming from all the corners of the land of Judea and rumors about his sermons, has finally reached Pontius Pilate, a Roman procurator, who at that time was the main ruler of Judea. He wanted to look by himself at this strange man, who inspired such controversial rumors. Some people called him God, while the others...

The Second Coming of Christ (Winds of Wandering)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, let’s continue with our story. After his first successful sermon, Yeshua decided to continue such communications with the people. But now his preaching had a different foundation, after finding that “key,” which he has been seeking for so long. That knowledge, which he has learned from the Essenes, and later has completed in his communications with the Priests of Agartha, he could now teach to the people together with the Symbol...

The Second Coming of Christ (The First Sermon)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, we’ll continue our story. As soon as Yeshua stepped on the shore, the crowd parted and many people prostrated themselves before him. They decided that it was God himself who descended to them from Heavens. People outstretched their arms towards him, asking for his blessing and help. A young woman, with unnatural and stiffened expression on her face, attracted Yeshua’s attention. He understood that she was blind. He stopped in front of...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Baptism)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, our story is reaching a transformative moment in Yeshua’s life when his special gifts already took on the Divine coloring. And that’s how it all happened. Yeshua, in his turn, told John about his conversation with God, where He has mentioned about the man named John, whom people would call John the Baptist, and about a special mission he had to fulfill. The only thing Yeshua kept hidden for a while was John’s unfortunate destiny to...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Crucial Meeting)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue with our story. Yeshua and Mary returned to Judea. This time they settled in Jerusalem to feel the energy of the city and learn about the changes that happened during the years they were away. Gradually, Yeshua found his disciples, dispersed throughout the land of Judea. They were extremely happy about his return. They told Yeshua what they were able to do during the time of his absence. Unfortunately, their hard work wasn’t...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Separation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! It is difficult to convey in words the complex feelings that Mary experienced, when her beloved husband was telling her what they would have to go through. Amongst others it was a joy for Yeshua who at last found what he had been searching for, for so long, which dispelled all his doubts and brought him to the path that would enable him to complete the work of his life, for which he was born, honorably. It was also a sadness that the happiest...