LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Dragon reptiles)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the subject of the Dragon reptiles that are a step down in the Dark Forces hierarchy. They are gene-modified creatures who are a symbiosis of two souls: an original – natural – dragon and a reptile one that was artificially created this time. This is absolutely unique energy structure that was developed for the purpose of exercising permanent control over those who are traditionally called “high and mighty” and who have...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (The Dragon race)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we move on to the next level of the Dark Forces hierarchy controlling your planet. The step down it is occupied by the Dragon race. And today I will tell you about it in detail. This is one of the most ancient races in the Universe that gradually changed both towards Light and towards Dark. Thus, there appeared a lot of its subtypes, and each of them has followed their way. Why did it happen? Before all, because they started to actively interact with...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the structure of power pyramid settled on Earth. It has already been said enough about Archon therefore we will move on right to the next step down the Dark Forces pyramid that is occupied by an army of Demons – true and trusted servants of Archon. Why has he fragmented himself into separate energy units? The only reason is to collect his “tribute” as negative energies in a more efficient and fruitful way. Since there...

Greetings, our dear ones! Hyperborean Priests are speaking to you on behalf of all Agartha representatives. You probably feel that you are at the very threshold of Ascension. That is why all of us: other planets’ inhabitants and civilizations of the parallel worlds on Earth – are trying to give you support both moral and in terms of energy. Right now it is essential to join our efforts so as to help you eventually throw off the yoke of the Dragon reptiles who seized this beautiful...

Greetings, our dear brothers and sisters! My name is Tche, and I am the High Priest of the underwater civilization of Aquator. It can be said that we are your closest neighbours since we also live on Earth. Our habitat is seas and oceans. And although we exist in the space parallel to yours, under certain circumstances we can contact people physically. It allows us to help people in danger just as dolphins do – our beloved water brothers. Unlike them, we are invisible to you though sometimes...

Greetings, our dear earthlings! The Council of Elders is speaking to you. Following our galaxy brothers we will tell you about our mission on Earth that has already reached its final stage. You can often see our spaceships in the sky and not only at night but during the day, too. As a rule, we mask as dense oval flattened clouds of a too ideal form so as to look natural. So, what is the purpose of our presence on Earth? First of all, it is control of radiation and electromagnetic...

Greetings, our dear earthlings! The Council of Elders of the Andromeda constellation is speaking to you. As well as our galaxy siblings from the Pleiades constellation and Arcturus, we would like to share our vision of the current events on Earth and tell you about the role we play in them. Perhaps you already know that there are quite many of our brothers embodied as humans now. Since we have always been watching your planet, we saw the time line that enabled you to move to a higher dimension...

Greetings, dear earthlings! The Council of Elders of the Pleiades constellation is speaking to you. Today we have come to tell you about our role in the current processes taking place on Earth now. As you already know all the human-friendly civilizations have recently stirred up their activities so as to turn the tide on Earth in favour of Light. And although our participation in matters of earthlings have more an energy character, it is still quite significant. What is our work? First of all,...

Greetings, our dear earthlings! The Council of the Elders of Arcturus is speaking to you. We would like to communicate a message from our civilization to you. The things now happening on Earth resemble a lot the processes once experienced by us, too, that is why we are watching you with interest and sympathy. Yet, unlike Earth, there were no other creatures embodied as Arcturians on our planet, which considerably promoted our Transition to higher dimensions. We see what confusion and mess now...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Pyramid of power)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we move on to the talk on how disembodied low vibration creatures can influence people’s destinies by means of the countries’ heads the former live in. As a matter of fact, carefully designed mechanism of influence on people who came to power is simple to the utmost. It is based on the time-tested principle of “Divide and rule”, as well as self-importance exaggeration and the feeling of belonging to “the chosen”. And the dual world you live...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Symbolism impact on human conscience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Before I tell you how the Dark Forces influence different countries’ governments, I would like to highlight for you the mechanism of symbolism impact on people. And now we will focus not on its physical manifestation, which is general symbols, but on the things that occur at the subtle level at the moment of these symbols being shown. As you already know, any religion has its own egregor, and the more people practise it, the more powerful the egregor...

Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I have come to you as a “private individual” so as to share my vision of the current events on Earth with you. And I see that vibration gap between people is growing larger and larger with every single day. It is accounted for by the fact that your planet has already reached the active phase of Transition. And this is what I mean by this expression. Now activity shows in terms of everything: in terms of Earth it shows in her vibrations swiftly increasing...