My true Teaching (The main landmarks of life)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! I am coming towards the end of my story, and today I’d like to sum up what I’ve been teaching people, to give you the emphasis of my Teaching, and the main life’s landmarks which I’ve tried to put into the human consciousness. First and the most important – is an understanding that everything on Earth and in the Universe consists of the energies of different vibrations. And this energy is alive, it possesses its own consciousness. Every second of...

My true Teaching (Miraculous healings)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Today I’d like to reveal to you the secret of my “miraculous healings”. Because the rumors about them preceded my arrivals, a great number of ill and handicapped people were brought to the meetings with me, all of them asking to heal them. I must admit that I haven’t always agreed to do that, because I could enter the energy field of the human being and see the cause of disease. It has not been easy to refuse the people who were suffering, and I have...

My true Teaching (Steering wheel of your life)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Thus, after a small diversion, let’s continue with our story about my efforts to explain to people the meaning of my Teaching, which in reality is the code of Laws of the Universe, which is possible to express in several minutes. But my task has been – to ensure that these Laws would stay in the souls of the people and become the main ”tools” of surviving in the three dimensional world, and not simply a knowledge by itself. That’s why the main...

My true Teaching (Slaves or creators)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! I would like to divert a little bit from my story and tell you how the authorities and religious leaders reacted to my conversations with people. Initially, they had not paid much attention to that, because they had considered me simply a strange man, who liked to talk and who had not present any danger for them. But soon enough, the leaders sensed the danger coming from me, because after my meetings with the people, their influence on the people significantly...

My true Teaching (We all are children of God)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Today I’d like to tell you how I’ve tried to explain the concept, that we all are the particles of one whole, regardless of the country where we were born, of the color of our skin, whether we are rich or poor, and of our religious believes. In those times, I has been difficult to understand as in a matter of fact is difficult now, because of the vast differences between the racial, social and religious groups in the world of duality. I would have to find...

My true Teaching (As within, so without)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Today, we’ll continue our talk about my conversations with people, all of which had left an indelible imprint in my heart. All kinds of people had come for our meetings, and I always been surprised how they listened to what I’ve said, with so much joy, curiosity, sincere sympathy; how they responded, sharing their own stories, funny and sad, curious and unpredictable, stories given by life with its unlimited fantasy. And these stories have been a priceless...

My true Teaching (To reach out to the hearts)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Today we’ll be addressing at last the content of my conversations, which most often proceeded in the following order. First, I’ve told the gathering who is God, of whom each of them have heard, but who is imagined differently, based on ones religious believes, on the social environment, where each person have grown, on ones upbringing and education. I’ve explained to the people that God is everything they see around them: the earth and the skies, the...

My true Teaching (Conversations heart to heart)
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Today I’ll try to give you an idea how I have conducted my sermons after my final return from India. After I had arrived into some new town or village, my disciples, Mary Magdalene, and sometimes my Mother, who often accompanied us in our travels throughout Judaea, told people about me, which helped to create interest and curiosity of the public. It had been that way in the beginning, when my name was still unknown. Later, the rumors about me preceded my...

My true Teaching
Greetings, my dear beloved Souls! Today I’ll start dictating you messages about my true Teaching. It had suffered so many changes over the centuries, that only the tiny grains of the Teaching have reached you in its original form. The time has come when I can restore it completely, and correct the inventions and an intentional distortions, which have been done by those forces, that have taken control of human consciousness and diverted it into the direction, which allowed them to rule over...

My “Resurrection”
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now it is my turn to speak with you. After you have learned the true story of our lives; of Yeshua, my beloved son, Mary Magdalene and their children; I’d like to tell you how my soul has started the path of Service and why I have become so dear and close for you. Of course, dear ones, the idea of the immaculate conception has been an invention of the church for imparting “divinity” for my son. In reality, Yeshua was born as all children are born...

My life without Yeshua
Greetings, dear ones! I also would like to speak with you, because I have seen that you perceived a story of our life with Yeshua with so much love and sympathy like you had shared our path with us a long time ago. And today I’ll tell you what happened right after Yeshua’s departure. Soon after his Ascension, I departed to India, joining a big caravan, which was going to the northern part of India, and traveled an already familiar road for the third time. I could not wait until the time I...

You are capable of creating miracles
Greetings, dear ones! Today I come to speak with you as with the people who are very close and dear to me. I am very pleased that after the series of messages, which have been given to you by the Father-Absolute and Mother of the Universe, you learned the truth about my life and understood that in spite of the tragic end, from the point of view of the three dimensional world, my life has been very happy, bright and intense. I have been surrounded by the love and understanding of my loved ones,...