ASCENSION IN ACTION (Meet your challenges with “An Open Visor”)
My dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you what’s happening on a subtle plane of Earth. Everything is changing quite rapidly, because your planet is going through the process of adaptation to the new conditions in accelerated rate. And that’s why. First, the volume of negative energy, that had been accumulated on subtle Earth plane, is starting to express on physical plane more clearly and extensively. It is expressed in the following way: all the processes that have been...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Self-appraisal)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more personal trait that represents a 3D make-shift in notions. It has to do with your perception of yourselves. In other words, we will talk about your self-appraisal. It is the personal trait that is most susceptible of perception duality and there is a reason for that. Since childhood you have been provided with some basis for certain human relation patterns that you develop later on in adult life. As time goes on you get more...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Love to one’s neighbor)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s carry on with the topic started in my previous message. And, first of all, I would like to explain to you what Love to one’s neighbour means in terms of the Divine. In the world of duality it is often substituted for notions practical by nature such as care, guardianship, control, desire to promote one’s education and employment searching for the pie counter which makes one fairly well-to-do and free from troubles and sorrows. It mostly...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Reappraisal of values)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why I draw your particular attention to the character traits that impede your spiritual growth. My dear ones, the fact is that lots of common virtues for centuries have been made out of personal traits that are not worth of it at all. But the secret and skillful manner of making this obstructs drawing a distinction between responsibility and guilt, love and ownership and control, practical approach and greediness, respect...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Fear of the unknown)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we keep talking on your most common drawbacks that set up a roadblock on your spiritual way. One of them is your fear of the unknown that suppresses all your good intentions. Some of you are sure of being quite ready for Ascension, that you have nothing to be afraid of, no pity for the old-fashioned values of the 3D world as well as for the people living according to the laws of that world. But in your heart of hearts you are still scared of letting...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Feeling guilty)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to give you some pieces of advice on how to work at your weak points not feeling guilty. I see that this fine distinction is not easy for everyone to notice. Very often one feels guilty with no particular reason for that just because one can’t impartially estimate oneself and one’s environment. And this is the common drawback I would like to focus on as it impedes your progress. What lies in the foundation of feeling guilty? It is more...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! This time we go on talking on the ways of gradual changing yourselves and changing your environment at the same time. When you understand what prevents you from living in peace and quiet of your soul you can pass over to the next step of your inward work. The reasons for slowdown in your spiritual development are more likely to be some traces of character, common beliefs or fear of being isolated. My dear ones, you are certainly unable to immediately get rid...

Ascension in Action (Do not harm)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our discussion on the subject of how to find our own selves, eliminating all the alien programs and layers, brought from the outside. Many of you think that to be a beautiful, pure, and spiritual person is to help with everything your family, friends, and acquaintances, to make their lives easier, take upon yourselves their pain and small problems. It is not right at all, dear ones. Most often your service will be contra productive and...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you what is going on with your planet right now and how people are affected by it. A number of eclipses – the solar one followed by the lunar one – are, in a sense, the ‘gates’ to a new world of high frequency vibrations. These natural phenomena that happen with a certain periodicity this time trigger spiritual development of plenty of people. Along the eclipse corridor – July 13, the solar eclipse, and July 27, the...

Ascension in Action (How to remain yourself)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss the following topics: how you would like to see yourself ideally, how you could throw off the masks, without which very few people can manage in the world, how to find the real you. Why is it so difficult for a man to stay himself, why does he have to hide his real essence from the people around him? There are many reasons for that, but the main reason is that the man is defenseless in the world of duality, where the energy of...

Ascension in Action (New level of spirituality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our conversation about the events that are happening on Earth and how to relate to them. Many of you are going through the tests of your strength and durability now. The crisis in all areas of life on your planet, of which I have spoken in my previous message, often extends to your personal relationships – with your husbands and wives, children and grandchildren, friends and acquaintances, and your coworkers. Now everything that...

Ascension in Action (Energy diplomacy)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start a new topic, which is especially important now, when the global changes in political, financial and social spheres has begun, and redistribution of power on the global arena is coming. Political passions, hypocrisy, duplicity, double standards have already reached its apogee and appear so absurd that even the people, unsophisticated in politics, are beginning to understand that. Perhaps, the energy expression of these processes can be...