The Second Coming of Christ (The Future Life’s Scenario)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our story. After “the voice” of God stopped, Yeshua stood still for a long time, shocked by what had been said. It was as if he had just seen in reality the scenario of all his future life. Yeshua understood that after his return to Judea, he was not meant to lead a quiet family life, talking peacefully with his disciples and healing people. Now the next “act” of the play, which he had planned to perform...

The Second Coming of Christ (Conversation with God)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Yeshua set off towards Mount Kailash. He found the same guide, who gladly agreed to escort him to the same mysterious place, the power of which helped to heal his father. Everything happened according to the same scenario, the only difference was that this time Yeshua himself asked the Priests of Agartha to let him enter their sacred country. His request was immediately granted and he found himself in the familial Temple, where he once received the warmest...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Long-Awaited Meeting)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, our travelers’ already familiar journey to India, which took them a few months, came to an end. They were at the gates of the familiar house. The first person they saw was their beloved son, who was looking at the strangers with curiosity. A moment later, he smiled trustingly and shyly walked towards them. It is impossible to convey in words the feelings of both parents at the site of their considerably grown-up boy. They did not hide their...

The Second Coming of Christ (On the Road Again)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our story. What happened to Yeshua and Mary next, can be compared to the ascent to a high mountain, because the world that surrounded them was made of inaccessible summits of hypocrisy, lies, greed, lies, selfishness, lust for power… And they stood at the foot of this “mountain,” not knowing from which side to begin their ascent. Unlike ordinary people, who cleverly climbed up using all kinds of auxiliary tools in...

The Second Coming of Christ (The First Students)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! What happened to Yeshua and Mary next, could be called the Transformation of reality. And this is how it all happened. They settled in a small house on the outskirts of Jerusalem and started by surrounding this space with the impenetrable veil of Light and Love. This place became the small island of a different life – the life that was originally conceived by the Creator. It was interesting for Yeshua and Mary to observe how this world of high...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Precious Experience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our story about the lives of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in the new reality, that was new to them. Very few people could notice, let alone realize, what an unusual couple was next to them, because Yeshua and Mary Magdalene did not appear any different to the rest, except for, perhaps, their rarest benevolence. They were young, joyful and witty. People were involuntarily attracted to them, wanting to be charged with their lively energy...

The Second Coming of Christ (The New Reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, Yeshua and Mary set out on their return journey. The whole time they were feeling as if they were not alone, that the Higher Powers were with them, leading them by the hand, arranging everything for them in a wonderful way. They quickly found a caravan, with which they crossed the whole of India and moved further towards the Jewish lands. The journey took several months. During this time, they were able to develop their abilities, imbedded in them by...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Return)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! We have reached the point in our story, when Yeshua and Mary Magdalene finally stepped on the path of their Service, for the purpose of which their Soul incarnated on Earth, this time in both male and female principles at the same time. The fact that in Agartha they accepted only one male half did not mean that the knowledge and experience received by Yeshua, did not extend to his female half. That’s exactly what happened, when Yeshua finally...

The Second Coming of Christ (The First Miracle)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, a new stage in Yeshua’s life began, because he now felt not like an ordinary man, but as a being who had been on the other side of the veil, separating the material world from the subtle. He was given the opportunity not only to keep the memory of this trip, but to bring the state of being in high vibrations to the three-dimensional world, and, most importantly, to learn to live in the physical world without “losing” these...

The Second Coming of Christ (Farewell to Agartha)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now, the time has come for Yeshua to leave Agartha and to step upon his own journey. He understood that the unseen presence of his Heavenly Teachers would support him very much, and that knowledge filled his entire being with calmness and confidence that everything would be exactly as it was intended by the Creator and his own Soul. The minute of their parting came, and it became a great, final chord that raised him to a height unseen by a human being...

The Second Coming of Christ (Training in Agartha)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will tell you about the last days of Yeshua’s stay in Agartha. He did not feel the passage of time, because the world of Agartha was so unlike the material world of Earth – different laws were working there, both spiritual and physical. Now Yeshua was being trained to transfer to Earth the state in which he was now, to be able to live on Earth without losing his higher vibrations, staying simultaneously in several dimensions, and moving...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Path of the Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! We will continue with our story about Yeshua’s stay in the wonderful country of Agartha, which the Priests of Agartha started to show him. It seemed to Yeshua that it consisted of many separate countries and civilizations, because this unique Repository of the Earth history included not only the best representatives of each civilization, but also all the unique species of its plant and animal kingdoms. It was really an exciting trip. Yeshua was...