Our Mutual Ascension (Sixth Chakra)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today we’ll continue our conversation about your sixth chakra. I’ll tell you about its role in human life now – in the period of your shift into the higher dimension, and how it is possible to reanimate its original functions. But first of all, I want to warn you that it is not possible for every person, but only for those who could raise their consciousness, which also means vibrations, to the level of at least fourth dimension. And there are enough...
Our Mutual Ascension (Causal Body)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today we’ll start talking about the next body – the causal one, which can be considered your “analytical center.” It is precisely where your deductions and conclusions are made, as a result of your prolonged thinking, analyzing the facts and different reasons for the events that happened with you. The Causal body “processes” the material, which is supplied by the mental body in the form of all kinds of thoughts and emotions that it...
Our Mutual Ascension (The Golden Sphere)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! My today’s message is a small diversion from our topic. I’d like to speak with you about the subject which is relevant for many of you. And our subject is how to reconcile the ever growing dissonance between your inner state and your surroundings. I see that for many of you it becomes a barrier for your continual spiritual growth. It has been said many times already, that all disharmonious people and situations are given to enable you to go through your...
Our Mutual Ascension (Practice “Echo”)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I’d like to conclude our conversation about the emotional body and give you one more practice, which will teach you how to “hear” and feel it. Let’s call it “Echo” because in essence it’s a communication with your emotional body; being able to catch the “Echo,” which responds to your call. You don’t need to sit in meditation for this practice. It’s goal – is to make a habit of your communication with your emotional body, learn...
Our Mutual Ascension (Energy tuning)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I’d like to continue our conversation about an emotional body and how to take care of it and protect it from the energy attacks. As I have told you in a previous message, it is precisely an emotional body that takes upon itself the first hit from the negative energies, which a person radiates outside. Therefore, understanding that all your emotions carry within itself the energies of certain vibrations, you need to learn how to regulate them like...
Our Mutual Ascension (The Dance of Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today’s message must become a certain milestone on your spiritual path, because I’ll explain you how to learn to take charge of your energy flows. Imagine your body as a multilayered silhouette: a physical body surrounded by the multicolored layers of the ethereal, emotional, mental, causal, buddhic, and atmic bodies. Each of them is filled with corresponding energies. And the further away is such a body from the physical one, the more rarified energies it...
Our Mutual Ascension (Depository of Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Thus, let’s begin our practical sessions. Let’s move from the simple to the complex, gradually mastering new sensory organs, which from now on would be not less important than the physical ones. Let’s begin with the heart chakra, which is already well developed among the great majority of the people, who are engaged in spiritual practices. We would leave the three lower chakras in the third dimension, because their role has been mainly to help you survive...
Our Mutual Ascension (Dialogue with your Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! In continuation of my previous message, today we’ll discuss how to learn to “speak” with your Soul. After you reach a complete mastery of merging with your soul and her being on the physical plane, the next step would be to establish your “dialogue.” But do not forget, dear ones, to protect your channel of communication with the Soul, calling on myself, Archangel Michael, all your Spiritual guides. You must do that until the time, when you learn to...
Our Mutual Ascension (Getting Acquainted with your Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Thus, let’s continue our conversation about learning how to converse with your Soul. Today I’ll give you one practice which would help you to make a “physical contact” with the Soul, which is important. And that is why. Now, the channel of clairvoyance is opening among many of you. And as it has been said many times, the astral beings of very different levels attempt to use it; because they also take part in the process of the Earth Ascension, being...
Our Mutual Ascension (The Energy Embrace)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! In continuation of meditation, which I have given you in a previous message, I’d like to tell you how to remain on that level, which you have reached after merging with your Soul and assuming the consciousness of the Divine human. I understand, dear ones, how it is difficult to do, being in a third dimensional world, where the energy of chaos rules. Every day and every hour, many of you are subjected to attacks from the people with lower vibrations, from the...
Our Mutual Ascension (Assuming Consciousness of the Divine Human)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I’d like to gift you with one practice, which would help you to realize the power hidden in your consciousness and how it could influence your body; when you are in a state close to the one that Indians call nirvana. If you could master this practice, you would gain Faith in your power and would sense your Divinity. It is very important to carry this meditation in a state of complete peace and harmony, after freeing your soul from the burden of daily...
The Future Depends on You
Greetings, my dear earthlings! The most decisive moment for your planet is coming now, when your planet enters the period of global purification, that will be expressed through a series of natural disasters. We have already told you many times how greatly interconnected all the events happening in your world are. Everything that happens on the energy level gradually descends to the physical plane, and this can be expressed in different ways. For example, social disturbances in one country can...