ASCENSION IN ACTION (New step on your path to ascension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we are approaching a very important topic, which from now on will become a beacon on your path to Ascension. We will discuss your new attitude towards life, based upon the different – Universal laws, and will learn not to retreat from them, while being in the 3D world, because for those who have chosen Ascension there is no way back already. We’ll start from something quite simple, something that you know very well already, and what has become your...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Flexibility of consciousness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to continue our conversation that we have started in my previous message and to focus upon another aspect of the Ascension process, an adaptation of man to the new vibrations of Earth. But this time we’ll speak about your ability to reprogram your consciousness according to constantly changing events, both positive and negative, changing as in a kaleidoscope like wishing to test your reaction. It is relevant not only to the global changes...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Feeling guilty)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to give you some pieces of advice on how to work at your weak points not feeling guilty. I see that this fine distinction is not easy for everyone to notice. Very often one feels guilty with no particular reason for that just because one can’t impartially estimate oneself and one’s environment. And this is the common drawback I would like to focus on as it impedes your progress. What lies in the foundation of feeling guilty? It is more...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! This time we go on talking on the ways of gradual changing yourselves and changing your environment at the same time. When you understand what prevents you from living in peace and quiet of your soul you can pass over to the next step of your inward work. The reasons for slowdown in your spiritual development are more likely to be some traces of character, common beliefs or fear of being isolated. My dear ones, you are certainly unable to immediately get rid...
Ascension in Action (How to remain yourself)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss the following topics: how you would like to see yourself ideally, how you could throw off the masks, without which very few people can manage in the world, how to find the real you. Why is it so difficult for a man to stay himself, why does he have to hide his real essence from the people around him? There are many reasons for that, but the main reason is that the man is defenseless in the world of duality, where the energy of...
Ascension in Action (Vibrational Contact)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we are approaching a conclusion of the practice of tuning on the vibrations of another person. In my previous message, I have explained to you a principle of balancing your own chakras, which is a starting point for work of defining the vibrational level of the people. Thus, after you are convinced that your vibrational “scale” is completely ready, you may start testing. At the beginning, it is best to work with some of your family members, who...
Ascension in Action (Vibrational Scale)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our conversation on the subject of how to tune on the vibrations of other people that we have discussed in my previous message. For that, you need to imagine your body as a scale with the dividers at the levels of your chakras. Of course, this practice will be suitable only for those of you who have mastered a skill of sensing your own chakras, and I know there are quite a few people like that already. To be able to test how your...
Ascension in Action (Tuning on other people)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss a new topic, which for many of you will be a trampoline into the new life, into the new energy space and new dimension. We will discuss your ability to tune on the wavelength of another person, feel him as a kin particle, to realize that you are the children of one Father. You may contradict me, “But we are so different, sometimes we are separated by a big chasm in our vibrational level as if we are from different planets.” It is so...
Ascension in Action (Self-healing. Continuation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our discussion about self-healing. Of course, this process is not quick, especially when we address chronic diseases. You must always remember that energy practices first affect your subtle bodies, dissolving the accumulated “blocks” of negative emotions and firm believes; and only when your subtle bodies will be completely purified, the results of your work will appear on physical plane. You need to be patient, dear ones, and...
Ascension in Action (Self-healing)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss the subject of how to help your physical body to heal from diseases, using not prescription drugs, but energy practices. But first of all, you need to understand the causes of your diseases, which are ALWAYS psychological. Now there are many tables of psychosomatic causes of human diseases, which quite correctly reflect the truth of the matter. That’s why the first step towards healing must be realization of what’s exactly you are...
Ascension in Action (Pacification)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In today’s message, I’d like to continue our conversation about your abilities to create a new reality, while being in the world of 3D. And first of all, it concerns purification of the energy spaces in the places of chaos and extremely intense passions. It is necessary, because the situations, that provoke powerful explosions of passions, cause a great trauma to your already renewed planet. Humanity pulls your planet back like heavy weights, clutching...
Ascension in Action (Dissolving the programs of 3D)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to give you uncomplicated but very efficient practice for every day. Its goal is to neutralize the programs of 3D, which literally hover in the air and fill the activities of most people. To make this practice work, you don’t even need to imagine exactly with which program you are working, because the essence of the practice is in the following: that the energies of the higher vibrations, which you send to the people, will dissolve the...