Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is timed to an important event in Earth’s history – the twentieth anniversary of one of the gravest crimes committed by the shadow government against humanity: explosion of the World Trade Centre’s towers in New York in 2001. It was mainly aimed at drawing people’s attention to the so-called “Islamic problem” that is nothing but a glaring example of the favourite method of the Dragon reptiles “divide and rule” in...

Greetings, my dear light souls! I decided to come to you again so as to share the latest news from the subtle level of Earth. I think, you will be glad to hear it and it will encourage your belief in victory. The first days of September introduced a lot of changes to the alignment of forces on the planet Earth. And it happened due to a powerful energy stream washing away all the negative energies on the way, the ones sustaining the low vibration inhabitants of Earth. They are getting more and...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will concern the latest events on Earth, and we will study them from the practical actions point of view that you should take so as to stop the world government’s crimes. I know that for many of you it seems that everything develops very slowly and the long-awaited Disclosure still keeps waiting. As a matter of fact, everything, just on the contrary, happens swiftly since Earth’s population reduction programme launched by the shadow...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Different collective consciences influence on climate change on Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, having taken a look into all the twists and turns of different civilizations’ collective consciences interaction and their influence on the souls belonging to them, it is eventually possible to talk about their impact on climate change on Earth, which was just what we started this talk with. Though we focused only on the collective consciences most significant for your planet, I hope you have understood the tendency of their evolution or, on the...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Different collective consciences interaction results)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message about collective consciences interaction today I would like to look into some details of this interaction. As you already know, the planet of Earth is unique because for millennia there have been made experiments on crossbreeding of many races and civilizations on it. And it happened not only at the genetic level but also at the energy, psychological and mental ones. Thereby, collective conscience of each civilization...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Psychological peculiarities and development targets of different collective consciences)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of collective consciences that influence your planet and its inhabitants, I will explain to you how they interact with each other. Unlike two souls incarnated in physical bodies, collective consciences of different civilizations do not counteract each other openly. And it is explained by the fact that each of them solves its own problems that, as a rule, do not intersect and most often even have contradicting aims. Collective...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you what awaits you in September. It is this month that will become the turning point of the fight between the Light and Dark Forces at the physical level. And it will show all around the globe – almost in all the countries and on all the continents. During the recent months there was in progress concentrating of energies at both the sides: high vibration energies that were arriving from space and were grounded by the best...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (From personal choice to common victory)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the interaction of collective conscience of this or that civilization with its representatives incarnated in physical bodies but this time we will lay emphasis on the cases when their souls live next to other souls in one physical medium. As it was said in my recent message, two souls can rarely coexist in a harmonious way, and there is most often “tug-of-war” between them, with each of them trying to take advantage. And...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Collective consciences tasks peculiarities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will reveal some details of this or that civilization’s collective conscience influence mechanism on its particles that are souls embodied. As far as a human soul is concerned, its interaction with its collective conscience is double-sided. It is explained by the fact that each person is unique and inimitable due to their Divine origin. And even finding themselves in the third density world, they preserve and augment the enormous experience...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Orion soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about one more peculiarity of two souls’ owners that few ever know about. And at issue will be those representatives of humanity in whose bodies along with Divine human Soul there coexists orion soul. Such combination is rather common on your planet, and it is such people who often become not just popular but also make significant impact on other people. Why does this happen? Featuring high IQ and thirst for knowledge, which is...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Deliverance of Divine Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be addressed to owners of two souls, and I will tell you how you can finally get rid of your low vibration half. But first, let us once again talk about the way such “duplicity” can be identified. Have you ever thought that this word has arisen in your language not by chance? And though in the modern interpretation it means hypocrisy as well as double-facedness, long ago it was used in its direct meaning because in old times...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Different interests)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about different collective consciences’ interaction in the energy space of an individual – two souls’ owner. This time we will look into this issue in a broader way and will not identify what souls neighbour each other because on Earth you can come across most diverse and unexpected combinations of souls in physical bodies. The thing is that not only human souls choose the experience of...