Greetings, my dear earthlings! My today’s message is addressed to those of you who are at the very threshold of Ascension and have to take only one step separating the third dimension world from the new high vibration space of the fourth and then Fifth dimension. At first sight it may seem that I unjustly divide people into the revived and those fast asleep. It actually happens because I am perfectly aware of the potential of each of you, especially now when vibration distinction becomes more...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Taking the hint and finishing each other’s thoughts)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on with the discussion of a new form of human communication, which is of great importance in the matter of building a unipolar society. As long as you find more and more congenial souls you will understand that valuable communication does not take much energy or words. Being at the same vibration wave, you will understand one another perfectly well just being by each other’s side – taking the hint and being quick on the uptake… And it...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine whirlpool of Love and Gratitude)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize my two previous messages dedicated to the energy component of notions fundamental for humans, which are Love and Gratitude. Why it was them that I told you about in detail? The only reason for this is that they should become the basis of human communication – without this it will be impossible to ascend to the level of development enabling you to move to the new energy space with Earth. These words, the notions they denote...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (True meaning of Gratitude)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue talking about how gradually there were distorted the meaning and energy profile of the words most important for people. This time we will talk about Gratitude. In its original Divine meaning it was like Love and Belief that everything in the Universe is united, balanced and interconnected, that Earth and people inhabiting her live in Love and Gratitude to each other. And this feeling was as natural for humans as life itself. They were...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (True meaning of Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about the power of words and the energy they can convey. We will start with the word “Love” that in the third dimension world has been worn out and distorted to the extent that its frequent mentioning began to rouse just annoyance and suspicion in people. And of course, it is not by chance it is this word that was exposed to the most powerful energy transformation. It has been done by the same creatures who managed to turn...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to offer you a universe meditation that you can use during all the period of entry into a new reality. Let us call it “Flying Soul”. The name itself suggests the essence of the meditation. Your Soul is coming back to its usual world – the one where it always found itself between its embodiments in the worlds of low vibrations. It is the subtle level where it would have a rest from heavy energies surrounding it in the dense worlds...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to prepare you for the sacred date of December 21st, 2020 when the gate to the Fifth dimension will be open for everyone who is able to be attracted to it according to vibrations. What does it mean for you? First of all, it is opportunity to get into the energy space of high vibrations you have never contacted yet. This Divine flow will arrive at Earth not evenly but in a wave-like manner since human body is not able to withstand a...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Power of persuasion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Besides the practices that I offer you so as to help you overcome the energy barrier between the two dimensions, I would like you to use in your everyday life one more tool – a third dimension one that you are quite able to imbue with the energies of high vibrations now. And we will talk about the power of persuasion. In spite of the fact that now it is energies that come into picture, you have to communicate with the people around by means of words...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Way out of tunnel)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as you already know from my previous messages the energy “corridor” of human conscience influence has been created and maintained for centuries by the beings who seized power on your planet. It can be compared with a long endless corridor literally teeming with low vibration energies – all sorts of them imaginable. These energies collide, mix, merge together, repulse each other – in a word, they live a “full” life of powerful passions of...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued I would like to focus on one more important aspect of the current events on Earth. And it has to do with the actions of those who embody the Forces of Dark on your planet. Besides, it concerns both manipulators – the hidden government, and those being manipulated – executors of their “masters’ ” will at all the levels of power-holding structure. Now they have united in a joint attempt to withstand the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today when the corridor of eclipses I spoke of in one of my messages is over there is coming a crucial energy surge indeed that each of you should get as well prepared for as possible. And this event is connected with solar energy that for different reasons we are not going to focus on begins to release itself in the way that concentrated bundles of this energy will literally start “exploding”, which in its turn will influence the energy index of all the...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (In duality net)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking how you can learn to create your reality in terms of energy. But before this, I would like to focus on the mechanism of your conscience interaction with energies that actually determine any action of yours. It is energy in this or that form that your conscience largely consists of. And depending on its vibration component, you find yourself in this or that condition, taking this or that action. Your conscience is sure not to be...