TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (The interaction of the etheric and physical bodies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To continue my yesterday’s message, I would like to tell you about ways for speeding up the process of creating your Divine matrix. And today we will put our focus on the energy interaction of the physical and etheric bodies of man. As you already know, the etheric body is the exact twin of your physical body with the only difference that it is not manifested externally, that is it is invisible for you. The etheric body can be compared with the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I want to give you some simple practices that will help you monitor your own energy state and at the same time identify the causes of soul discomfort. Recall such expressions as “unquiet soul”, “be sick at heart”, “unquiet soul”. And sometimes it happens even when there are no signs of any external reasons for concern. In fact, in this way, the Soul of a person is trying to draw the attention to the fact that...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on talking about the ways you can turn any work into a creative pastime and learn to concentrate totally on the things you are busy with at the moment. Actually, it is not as simple as may seem at first sight. And there is a reason for that. The third dimension world you live in is oversaturated with energies of both different vibration frequencies and numerous mental images generated by thousands and thousands of people. And it happens...
Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I would like to tell you what is going on in the near-earth space and explain to you the reasons for my yesterday’s message on the Victory Day’s celebrations. The Higher Powers of the Universe and the Galaxy Light Federation are making unprecedented attempts to purify your planet from low vibration frequency energy so that it can rise to a new energy level. For this purpose there have been employed thousands of extraterrestrial spaceships specially...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Help astral beings to come back home)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we reach the point of my description of the astral world that focuses on the practical advice and recommendations on your interaction with the astral beings for the highest good of all. Now you are well aware of the fact that the astral world is your reflection, moreover, it is the chance to go on living for many human Souls, their fragments, to be exact, but in a different manner – as energy bundles of this or that kind because they couldn’t...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul wholeness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about your Soul wholeness, how to keep all Its particles together and not to capture other people’s Souls’ particles. After you do the meditations “Soul integration” and “Soul deliverance from foreign inclusions” you will have to consolidate your results so as not to get new energy connections. That is why I give you one more practice that you should make your everyday habit – your magic wand. Let’s call it “Soul...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul deliverance from foreign inclusions)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To carry on with the topic of the previous message on your Soul integration today I would like to tell you how you can return other people’s Souls’ fragments existing in your energy space. But first, it is essential to understand why they got there in order to avoid similar mistakes in future depriving other people’s Souls of their wholeness. Let’s study human Souls’ interaction process with the help of some real life example. It is a common case...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul integration)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My story about the astral world is coming up to an end and I would like to tell you about the steps you could take to help the astral beings to determine their rambling and to prevent yourselves from suffering the same pitiful lot. To start with, the most crucial thing for anyone is keeping one’s Soul whole which is possible only if one learns to keep one’s energy space pure with no alien energies having opportunity to intrude it. It is possible to...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Protective sphere of supreme creator of universe)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To round up with the upper level of the astral world I would like to highlight its one more feature. It mostly concerns those of you who have their subtle world communication channel opened. I would like to provide you with one more tool of your “interlocutor” identification. I understand that it is particularly difficult to do when you are contacted by the higher astral beings because they REALLY want to do you no harm, just on the contrary, they are...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (How to remove magic affect)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on explaining how you could escape from the influence of lower astral beings with demonic beings among them. It has already been said in my recent message that for their rites all magicians and wizards make use of their clients’ energy channels exposing humans to permanent influence of demonic beings that have been called on for work. Having once opened the channel they keep it in service all the time. So, their criminal...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Self-exorcism)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In my yesterday’s message I told you how to avoid lower astral beings’ influence. It was the so-called «preventive measure». So, today I am going to tell you what to do if you «have already fallen ill» and lower astral beings have broken in your subtle bodies and settled there. The common case seems to be when one is seized by fear, which is also reflected in your language. As you already know, my dear ones, fear is the energy of the lowest frequency...
THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (How to neutralize the lower astral beings’ influence)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss the way you can neutralize the lower astral beings influence on you and the way you can close the channel of their influence on your conscience. First of all, which is the most important, you should learn to recognize the state of being influenced. This is how you can manage that. Try to monitor every single emotion and thought you get, even the transient one. The strict supervision will help to estimate the frequency vibration of any...