The Second Coming of Christ (Farewell to Agartha)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now, the time has come for Yeshua to leave Agartha and to step upon his own journey. He understood that the unseen presence of his Heavenly Teachers would support him very much, and that knowledge filled his entire being with calmness and confidence that everything would be exactly as it was intended by the Creator and his own Soul. The minute of their parting came, and it became a great, final chord that raised him to a height unseen by a human being...
The Second Coming of Christ (Training in Agartha)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will tell you about the last days of Yeshua’s stay in Agartha. He did not feel the passage of time, because the world of Agartha was so unlike the material world of Earth – different laws were working there, both spiritual and physical. Now Yeshua was being trained to transfer to Earth the state in which he was now, to be able to live on Earth without losing his higher vibrations, staying simultaneously in several dimensions, and moving...
The Second Coming of Christ (The Path of the Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! We will continue with our story about Yeshua’s stay in the wonderful country of Agartha, which the Priests of Agartha started to show him. It seemed to Yeshua that it consisted of many separate countries and civilizations, because this unique Repository of the Earth history included not only the best representatives of each civilization, but also all the unique species of its plant and animal kingdoms. It was really an exciting trip. Yeshua was...
Your Submarine Brothers
Greetings, our dear brothers and sisters! We address you in such a way, because we live on the same planet as you, but underwater. We have already told you about our civilization before. Despite the fact, that we are in a parallel world, we feel everything that happens to you, especially now, when the veils between the worlds become extremely thin. We see that the process of the Shift is speeding up every day, and we really want you to go through it as softly as possible, without physical...
The Future Changes
Greetings, our dear earthlings! Today, I was instructed to give you the following message from the Galactic Federation of Light. As you already know, the new countdown of time started from the end of October; when the Earth got prepared for the final energetic “jump” into the fifth-dimension, where she already exists in her subtle bodies. We see that many of you are feeling these upcoming changes as if they are hanging in the air; and the anomalous natural phenomena, occurring more and...
The Second Coming of Christ (Agartha)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Last time our story stopped when Yeshua shifted into Agartha with all his bodies. He was standing in the middle of a beautiful Temple. It was enormous, and soon Yeshua understood why. The Priests of Agartha, who came out to greet him from the doors hidden behind the columns, were very very tall. This Temple was the main sanctuary of Agartha, where representatives of all civilizations that have ever existed on Earth were gathering together to make...
The Second Coming of Christ (Mount Kailash)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today in our story we have reached the most important period of Yeshua’s life, when he was permitted to touch the primary source of all Being -the Great Agartha, the main Repository of the history of Earth. And Mount Kailash was the entrance into Agartha. But let’s start in order. The journey towards the foot of the mountain took a few days. But as soon as it appeared in the distance, a strange feeling took hold of him, a feeling he had never...
The Second Coming of Christ (A Trip to Tibet)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our story about Yeshua’s and Mary Magdalene’s trip to India. They had been there a year already. By that time, Mary was expecting a child, and it became difficult for them to travel. So they decided to stay in a small town in Northwest India, which wasn’t too far from their destination. The Creator helped them once again by sending them good people and providing them with a roof over their heads. They stayed with quite a well-off...
The Second Coming of Christ (Acquaintance with India)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! At last their long journey came to an end – Yeshua and Mary Magdalene arrived to India. They spend several unforgettable days on the shores of the ocean, enjoying the beauty and peace after the difficult journey. And then they headed to a special place, where according to the Essenes, the Great Initiates lived – the foot of mount Kailash in Tibet. A long way across the whole of India was ahead of them; and they decided to do it on foot. They wanted...
Greetings, our dear earthlings! We decided to speak with you today, because many souls from our planet have now descended to Earth to take part in the extraordinary spiritual experience – the shift into a higher dimension in their physical bodies. The Earth has always attracted the attention of great souls, not only from the planet Heteroskafos, but from many other civilizations. Your planet is very unique, and that explains such an interest. It can be called the pearl of the Universe,...
The Second Coming of Christ (The new horizons)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Last time we spoke to you, we were telling you that Yeshua met his true love, a woman who would be his life companion and loyal wife for the rest of his earthly path. He introduced Mary to his parents and to his dear teachers, the Essenes. Both the parents and the Essenes liked her. They felt the purity of her soul and her honesty despite the fact that Mary Magdalene did not exactly fit into the image of “decency” established in society by the...
Manifestation of the fifth dimension on Earth
Greetings, my dear children! Today I want to tell you what is happening with your planet Earth and with the accompanying luminaries – the Sun and the Moon. Perhaps, many of you noticed that the Sun and the Moon have become different and not only externally. Often, they change their location, and sometimes even completely disappear from your sight. The same thing is happening with the stars. Besides, more and more often people start seeing the second Sun and the second Moon, which have...