The Second Coming of Christ (The Path of the Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! We will continue with our story about Yeshua’s stay in the wonderful country of Agartha, which the Priests of Agartha started to show him. It seemed to Yeshua that it consisted of many separate countries and civilizations, because this unique Repository of the Earth history included not only the best representatives of each civilization, but also all the unique species of its plant and animal kingdoms. It was really an exciting trip. Yeshua was...
The Second Coming of Christ (Agartha)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Last time our story stopped when Yeshua shifted into Agartha with all his bodies. He was standing in the middle of a beautiful Temple. It was enormous, and soon Yeshua understood why. The Priests of Agartha, who came out to greet him from the doors hidden behind the columns, were very very tall. This Temple was the main sanctuary of Agartha, where representatives of all civilizations that have ever existed on Earth were gathering together to make...
The Second Coming of Christ (Mount Kailash)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today in our story we have reached the most important period of Yeshua’s life, when he was permitted to touch the primary source of all Being -the Great Agartha, the main Repository of the history of Earth. And Mount Kailash was the entrance into Agartha. But let’s start in order. The journey towards the foot of the mountain took a few days. But as soon as it appeared in the distance, a strange feeling took hold of him, a feeling he had never...
The Second Coming of Christ (A Trip to Tibet)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our story about Yeshua’s and Mary Magdalene’s trip to India. They had been there a year already. By that time, Mary was expecting a child, and it became difficult for them to travel. So they decided to stay in a small town in Northwest India, which wasn’t too far from their destination. The Creator helped them once again by sending them good people and providing them with a roof over their heads. They stayed with quite a well-off...
The Second Coming of Christ (Acquaintance with India)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! At last their long journey came to an end – Yeshua and Mary Magdalene arrived to India. They spend several unforgettable days on the shores of the ocean, enjoying the beauty and peace after the difficult journey. And then they headed to a special place, where according to the Essenes, the Great Initiates lived – the foot of mount Kailash in Tibet. A long way across the whole of India was ahead of them; and they decided to do it on foot. They wanted...
The Second Coming of Christ (The new horizons)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Last time we spoke to you, we were telling you that Yeshua met his true love, a woman who would be his life companion and loyal wife for the rest of his earthly path. He introduced Mary to his parents and to his dear teachers, the Essenes. Both the parents and the Essenes liked her. They felt the purity of her soul and her honesty despite the fact that Mary Magdalene did not exactly fit into the image of “decency” established in society by the...
The Second Coming of Christ (Mary Magdalene)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue with our story about the predestined meeting of Yeshua and his other half. Who was Mary Magdalene? And why did she, just as Yeshua, left such a deep mark on the history of mankind? Why do people worship her as a Saint? She was a great Soul, as well as Yeshua, who came to Earth with a mission to awaken the humanity and bring the Divine knowledge back to them. She was born in a family of a fish merchant. Her family came to Jerusalem from the...
The Second Coming of Christ (The Primer of Life)
Today we will begin to tell you how Yeshua was growing to maturity, as a person who came to Earth to experience life in the three dimensional world. This period of his life lasted for fifteen years and was very diverse. He was given an opportunity to perceive life in all its various aspects. Because he was meant to live on Earth for only thirty three years, it seemed that every experience was given to him in a very compressed way. So rapidly the events in his life unfolded and so many tests...
The Second Coming of Christ (First steps)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Ler’s continue our story about Yeshua’s youth. He stayed in the commune of the Essenes long enough, until he was eighteen years old. During the four years of his stay, he gained not only a lot of spiritual knowledge, but also mastered several professions, which helped him make a living later in life. He learned carpenter’s skills, how to fire clay and make beautifully shaped jars. He also became a great gardener, and was able to create wonders...
The Second Coming of Christ (The Essenes)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will tell you about the years of Yeshua’s youth, which laid the foundation for his further spiritual growth. But first we have to explain who the Essenes were. At that time they were called cult members, hermits, dissidents, fanatics and so on. And in reality, they were the Great Initiates, who came to Earth with a mission to bring people the Divine Knowledge, to teach them how to live according to the Universal laws, not the laws imposed on...
The Second Coming of Christ (The First Coming)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue our story about the history of humanity and will talk about how and why the technogenic civilization of Draconians, that doesn’t have a divine origin, was able to subjugate the God-Men living on Earth and make them live by their rules and laws. In order for you to understand better how their mechanism of enslaving people, launched by them, worked, imagine the Soul of man as a bird and the reptiloids as bird catchers. They knew...
The Second Coming of Christ (The Cunning Snake)
Greetings, our dear beloved children! Last time we stopped when we were telling you that the alien energy of separation invaded your peaceful and happy lives, disturbed your harmony and peace, changed your consciousness, and a new stage in the history of humankind began – the life of duality. In order to consolidate their positions and to completely take hold of human minds, the Draconians conducted a unique operation, creating human like creatures – reptiloids. Before that they...