LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Plastic surgery)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about plastic surgery that reptiloids have gradually made so popular that it has acquired mass character now. And, of course, first of all, we will consider this phenomenon from the energy point of view. The so-called aesthetic medicine was initially quite justified as it helped people to recover after bad injuries or burns. But little by little as it was getting improved, it switched over to merely commercial profile facilitating rich...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about teeth or rather about the problems concerning them that almost everybody on Earth has now. Why do your teeth get out of order so quickly? Before all, because these days people live in the conditions unnatural for them. It concerns absolutely everything: place of residence, overall emotional “background”, water, foodstuffs, electromagnetic emission… Back in time during the Golden Age of humanity people did not have any problems...

Greetings, my dear light souls! Well, there is coming to an end a grand performance staged on Earth and called “Coronavirus” that unintentionally led the way to a new world for some people and “anchored” others in the old one. As you see, by means of lie and fraud the world government’s henchmen managed to expose to the fateful procedure of vaccination a huge amount of Earth’s population. But let us look at it from a different angle. How else can the natural selection be made...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine portal of Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more “miracle” of modern medicine and at issue there will be laser eye correction that has also been widely introduced all over the world. And, of course, we will consider this process from the energy point of view, for the results sometimes can be wonderful from the physical point of view. For a start, let us look into what your eyes are. Before all, they are the “mirror” of your Soul that transmits to the world...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Restoring energy channels)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In my previous message I told you about the consequences of mechanical influence on the human spine from the energy point of view. This principle applies to all the rest of the operations of the kind, with the effect on the body in general being less harmful though. So now I will offer a practice to those of you who were exposed to such operations so as to minimize their negative consequences. It will help you restore the energy wholeness of your body. This...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Prosthetics)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will look into one more example of alien intrusion into the human body. Your “miracle medicine” has advanced to the height enabling it to replace the body’s parts that have had their days or have been injured for metal designs. Operations on the spinal column or arm and les joints replacement have become quite usual. As a result of such operations one, in fact, gets rid of the pains that used to torture one before and starts living a...

Greetings, our dear earthlings! Today I have come to you as a representative of the Galaxy Light Federation to tell you about the latest news from the subtle level. And it is that there finally has come to an end the last and most complicated part of the operation on our help in rescuing of humanity. Not only had we to identify all the deep state’s henchmen of high rank but also neutralize them in terms of energy since their physical liquidation is inconsistent with our plan being direct...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Blood transfusion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on one more aspect of modern medicine and we will talk about blood transfusion, which has become a usual phenomenon for people now. And, of course, we will consider this process from the energy and Divine points of view. But first, I would like to give you some details on what your blood is. This mystical Divine substance contains all the information about a person and this is exactly the reason why any medical check-up starts...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about the energy changes that are to take place on the planet of Earth during these last days of December. You often hear about different portals, eclipses corridors and other “symbolic” events that are, generally speaking, some kind of Ascension “fetishes”. Why is such information reported in numerous messages of the Light Forces and sometimes in those of the upper astral? It is done first of all because man is inert...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Organ transplantation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to our talk about alien intrusion into the subtle material structure of the human body today I would like to talk about organ transplantation operations that began to be performed on a large scale long ago. And, of course, we will consider this process from the energy and Divine points of view. But we will start with working up to it so as to understand how appropriate such intrusion is: whether it brings one good or evil. In terms of...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Sexless creatures)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the energy aspect of psychosomatics and the way it influences psychic and physical condition of a person. In the previous message I told you about the prostate gland not by chance because its disfunction is a vivid example of the way human body is affected by the process counter to one’s underlying Divine principle. And, as you understand, it concerns any organ or vital function of your body in general but especially the...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! And again I would like to come back to the current situation on Earth. I know that many of you have already felt how close is the outcome of the present-day confrontation between the Light and the Dark Forces on Earth. So now I would like to point out some sings, both energy and physical ones, of irreversible changes taking place now in many countries of the world. We will start with energy signs since you know that they always precede those of physical...