The Second Coming of Christ (The last parting words)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, the series of our messages named “The Second Coming of Christ” are coming to an end. And today we would like to sum up everything that has been said. We informed you about the history of the origins of humanity, we led you through the main stages of its development, told you about the true lives of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and about the changes that the Teaching of Christ underwent during the last thousands of years. Thus, we gradually...

The Second Coming of Christ (How to stay upon your chosen Path)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our conversation about the Second Coming of Christ, and will speak about how to be on the watch for dangers for the Great Soul, who stepped on the path of Service. It has become especially relevant now. We see how many of you, who succeeded in starting their predestined path, gradually become the victims of the three dimensional world that neutralizes all your efforts. The people surrounding a person, who has entered his Service,...

The Second Coming of Christ (Why the Greatest Souls are returning to Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Before we resume our conversation about the Second Coming of Christ, it is necessary to tell you how the Great Souls are coming to earth. We want you to realize what a courageous step they take. They have reached the top of their spiritual growth, achieving such a level when they don’t have to incarnate in physical bodies anymore, but could continue their evolution on a subtle plane, traveling throughout the Universe or uniting with their Star...

The Second Coming of Christ (Great Souls on Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our conversation about the Divine “thawing,” which is the mass arrival of the greatest souls of the Universe to Earth, which definitely can be called the Second Coming of Christ. We know that many of you may be disappointed because the Miracle of Christ Coming would not happen. But if you realize the greatness of our plan, you’ll understand that even the greater Miracle has happened. Yeshua, Mary Magdalene,...

The Second Coming of Christ (Divine Landing)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll attempt to explain to you in the most simple and accessible form what is Divine “thawing,” what is its nature, and what is the mechanism of its appearance. Today we’ll speak about the greatest souls who now come to your planet in the great numbers. Imagine their Mother Soul as a luminous sun, which sends out many rays. At the same time, each ray is not only separate part of Mother Soul, but consists of its male and...

The Second Coming of Christ (Reptiloids)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll speak with you about the reptiloids. Now when you know the true history of humanity, it would be easier for you to understand what is happening on Earth. It is very sad to admit, but despite all the efforts of the Higher Powers to free humanity from the power of the reptiloids, who are solidly entrenched on Earth; despite numerous spiritual deeds performed by the great souls, who had come to Earth at different times and in different...

The Second Coming of Christ (The Bible)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our story about the Teaching of Christ and how it has been affected by changes over the course of time. Since your knowledge of it comes mainly from the Bible, we will discuss the holy book today. The Bible is composed of the Old and the New Testaments. While the Old Testament was entirely created by the Dark forces, the New Testament has in it seeds of truth and glimpses of the Divine energy that Yeshua tried to share with us. How is it...

The Second Coming of Christ (Divide and Conquer)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we are starting a new part in the series of our messages called “The Second Coming of Christ.” But first, we’d like to tell you what kind of changes has happened with the Teaching of Christ and why it has happened. Let’s now call Yeshua by the name of Christ, which is more familiar to you, because his teaching became known as Christianity. As we have said before, by the time of Yeshua the power on Earth everywhere had already...

The Second Coming of Christ (Yeshua’s Legacy)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue with our story. Yeshua’s disciples proved to be right; the fact that hundreds of people have seen the Resurrection of their Teacher and his subsequent Ascension, and later have heard his wonderful sermon, played a decisive role in the awakening of the people and rebirth of their consciousness. The news of that Miracle quickly started to spread not only through the land of Judea, but throughout the whole world; because the...

The Second Coming of Christ (Ascension)
Greetings, our dear beloved children! So, everybody found Yeshua safe and sound with no signs of tortures on his body. The news of his Resurrection spread all over Jerusalem. His disciples were walking along the streets sharing the blessed piece of news inviting people for the homily Yeshua was going to make at a small hill not far from the cave he resurrected in. Not all the people believed the evangelistic messagers but most of them saw the excited and inspired faces of the men delivering the...

The Second Coming of Christ (Resurrection)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, we are approaching that part of our narrative, which would reveal the miracle of Resurrection of Yeshua. After moving into his physical body, Yeshua could revive his material vehicle where his Soul had lived on Earth all these years. It is impossible to explain from a human point of view. Of course, all the Higher Powers, citizens of Agartha, his Star family, God-Father had helped him. But still the main role has been played by Yeshua, who,...

The Second Coming of Christ (Crucifixion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, our narration has reached the moment of Yeshua’s execution. Everything that happened later appeared so inhuman and terrifying that it seemed unreal. Yeshua fully realized how lowly people had fallen, if torturing other people could give them pleasure; what kinds of demons had taken possession of their consciousness; and how deeply their Divine essence, the main part of being human, has been hidden. He has not felt any pain when the...