Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I would like to communicate a message from the Galaxy Light Federation that authorized me to tell you about the recent events taking place at the subtle level of Earth. So, to begin with, this summer has brought down the curtain of the whole epoch of your planet’s life and triggered new processes of its development. It was visibly manifested in the fact that all natural anomalies records in the history of Earth have been beaten. If to compare the present...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s continue the conversation about learning to live in the Fifth Dimension, while remaining in the third dimensional world. This is very important, since only your new state of the Soul can help you to move both your conscience and your physical body into a new energy space of the Earth naturally and painlessly. Why do I return over and over again to seemingly the same topics? My dear ones, only because I see how difficult it is for you to put a...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak on one more human peculiarity that prevents them from breaking free from the third dimension world programmes. And this is what it is. The notion of responsibility takes many of you hostage, the responsibility for yourself, people, the planet… In this case the good old dual world stereotype is involved: good – bad, serious – careless, responsible – irresponsible… You treat responsibility as duty, work at yourself and others and...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the topic of work today I would like to give you one more advice. And it has to do with the Higher Powers of the Universe support of the one who has entered the path of spiritual development. I have already told you that every awakened human is always guided by their Heavenly Helpers: Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, their Galaxy family. So, to make the most of any undertaking or anything you do ALWAYS ask them for help. They are...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on talking about the ways you can turn any work into a creative pastime and learn to concentrate totally on the things you are busy with at the moment. Actually, it is not as simple as may seem at first sight. And there is a reason for that. The third dimension world you live in is oversaturated with energies of both different vibration frequencies and numerous mental images generated by thousands and thousands of people. And it happens...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your attitude to work. The majority of people divide the work they have to do into good and bad, interesting and boring, loved and unloved one. In the dual world it is considered to be normal as everything here has its opposite. What about work in the Fifth dimension – in the unipolar world? Any kind of work there breeds enjoyment, creativity and is a means of self-expression and bringing joy to others. Is it possible to reach this...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will explain to you why your energy pureness is so important, the one that was mentioned in many of my messages. The thing is that it is the very “key” that opens the door to the Fifth dimension. Why is it so difficult for many of you to learn to live “here and now”? It is only because of the fact that your energy space is constantly taken by SOMEBODY ELSE’S programmes, thoughts and emotions that trigger in your restless Mind the mental...

TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Call of duty or call of Soul?)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you how you can learn to distinguish between your call of duty and call of Soul as well as about energy component of the two notions. Let’s turn to a study case that seems to be most common in your life. One of the chief duties of a human being in the third dimension world is considered to be looking after their elderly parents. For many people it turns into a heavy and sometimes backbreaking burden they are saddled with for many and many...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s set about the complicated but urgent for you task of cleansing your conscience from the third dimension programmes, which will help you to get rid of all your standard thoughts and, consequently, behaviour patterns. And the thing to start with is to establish your first life priorities. As you understand, you should do it by yourselves as it is simply impossible to work out a single “manual” at this point. I can just give you the direction...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will switch over to a new topic many of you have been concerned with for a long time. It will deal with the way how Transition to the Fifth dimension proper will occur. Despite the fact that it has already been much spoken about in the messages of the Higher Powers it is very difficult for a human being to image themselves and their life in new space and time parameters. Yet, in reality it is easy to do. Life in higher dimensions is the good old...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Get at the wheel)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to draw some kind of a conclusion to my previous messages on energy confrontation. As you have probably understood, confrontation as such is typical of people and countries of low vibration frequency energy. Their dense dark pressed energies are impervious to Light. They are covered in these low frequency energies like in “armour” and anything inconsistent with them makes them furious. While a human being or a country of high frequency...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Man and egregor’s interaction)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will switch over to a new topic that is closely connected with the previous one but reveals it from a different angle. And the issue under discussion will be energy flow from man to egregors and backwards – from egregors to man. This process is unceasing and sometimes it can be rather complicated since one and the same person can supply with energy several egregors at the same time and get energy from each of them at that. The older one gets the...