Greetings, our dear brothers and sisters! We would like to support you in an emergency and reassure you that everything on your planet will end up with the victory of the Forces of Light. Now there has come a crucial moment in your struggle against the world government’s protégés who, feeling they have lost, are still trying to ingratiate themselves with their “bosses” – work off the huge money they got from them. They are perfectly aware they have nothing left to lose: it is...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Advanced aerobatics)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And, finally, we move on to the third group of people who are completely informed about the current events on Earth. Well, what is their cognitive dissonance from the energy point of view? But first, it should be mentioned that this group features separation of its own – subgroups according to vibration level with a variety of nuances: from those who just express their indignation at other people’s servility to the authorities to those who are above the...
Greetings, our dear earthlings! On these days critical for Earth when the destiny of humanity is decided, we have come to support you. Your revival is in full swing now, and it is impossible for the Dark Forces to stop it this time. Just shortly before the mindful part of humanity was balancing between victory and defeat, and, at last, the odds are definitely in favour of Victory. And we congratulate you on this! What steps should you take to consolidate your victory? First, to get rid of fear...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Hard choice)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider what energy processes occur in the aura of people whose conscience is struggling to cope with the fear for their life and the fear to get a low quality vaccine that can just be baneful for them. This is the second group in our classification. As a matter of fact, their energy profile differs little from that of the first group, just the quality of their fear is distinct and, possible to say, more various. These people already have the...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Ridden by fear)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about cognitive dissonance again and will consider it from the energy point of view. And as an example we will take the very three groups of people I told you about in my previous messages. So, the first group is people who are possessed by fear for their life, who take for gospel what the authorities say offering them “salutary” vaccines. These people’s aura is a huge bundle of fear energy that with every single day grows larger as...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (One in hundreds of thousands)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider one more group of people who have cognitive dissonance for quite another reason though. And many of you belong to it – those who are perfectly aware of what is actually going on now on Earth, as well as who and what for arranged the so-called “pandemic”. This group was growing as in the internet there began to appear more and more information on the world government’s plans and their crimes. With the lockdown being imposed on...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Between two fires)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, today we will study one more example of cognitive dissonance. This time we will talk about a group of people who are between the horns of a dilemma: on the one hand, they are possessed by the fear for their life, and on the other hand, they do not confide completely in their government and are frightened of getting injections because of the discussion on their efficiency that developed in the internet. The cognitive...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Cognitive dissonance)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! It is time to talk about the thing that in your world is commonly called cognitive dissonance. What is this? To cut a long story short, it is everything rejected by your conscience. But we will dwell on this phenomenon – from the physical and metaphysical points of view. And, for a start, we will focus on the things that cause it to arise. In your usual material world one comes across this phenomenon at every turn being unaware of it. Why does this...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Merging of objective and subjective reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on the objective reality of the events taking place on Earth now. Why have I decided to consider them from just this perspective? Before all, because now little depends of the desire of this or that group of humans or INhumans inhabiting your planet. Earth is steadily moving according to her new course to the energy space of the Fifth dimension. And this is objective reality for her now. While the one in...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Human-friendly civilizations participation in Ascension of Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the last point that determines the objective reality of the Ascension of Earth. And we will talk about your Galaxy brothers’ participation in this process. What makes for their participation in your destiny? Before all, the fact that all of you are relatives – one Galaxy family. You have their blood in your veins since the human DNA contains particles of numerous races and civilizations of your Galaxy. They simply cannot leave their...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Natural elements’ vibrations change)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about natural elements switching over to new vibrations, which is also the objective reality of the Ascension process. As you already know, natural elements are integral part of Earth and her “inhabitants” along with people, animals and the vegetable kingdom. Therefore, a drastic change of your planet’s vibrations alters their energy component as well. But unlike man, natural elements do not have to change their conscience since it...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Confrontation of Forces of Light and Dark during Transition period)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the confrontation of the Light and the Dark Forces during Transition period. Why is it one of the factors of the objective reality of the Ascension of Earth? The only reason is that in the dual world there are always two opposing forces – Light and Dark, while coming out of duality implies unipolarity. And since this new unipolar high vibration world can let in only those whose vibrations will be consistent with it, low vibration...