WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Parallel realities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued today I would like to explain to you in more details the principle of work for the practice “Merkaba of the fourth dimension”. I think that many of you can wonder how in public places and chaotic motley energies “Merkaba” can keep your energy space inviolable. The thing is that this practice is the first step to your permanent being in another dimension, the fourth one so far. If you do it putting as they say...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Merkaba of the fourth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message let us move on to the practice on neutralizing of the negative influence produced on you by the people around. We will call this practice “Merkaba of the fourth dimension”. But for a start, I would like to remind you the main principle of energy practices and meditations. They are always based on spiritual component which is actually a determinative one. This is what makes them different from, for example, physical...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Heavy” environment)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more external factor that influences your physical condition and produces negative impact on it. It is your environment and, first of all, immediate one – family members, friends and colleagues at work, that is, the people that you cannot avoid communicating with the best will in the world. At present the time has arrived when the most vigorous stratification according to vibrations is in progress. It is connected with the fact...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Divine filter)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to continue talking about the external factors that influence your physical body. My previous message said about the influence made on it by the location one lives in which, actually, is the crucial factor for all the rest too. Life in the country grants one with clean air, organic food and spring water that are high vibration themselves and, consequently, are beneficial to your physical body as well. But, of course, my dear, I understand...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (External factors of influence on physical body)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the distinct features of the human body of the fourth and Fifth dimensions. So now you know that the key factor of your physical condition is your conscience. It is conscience that sends information energy impulses to your physical body that obediently executes these “commands”. This mode of conscience and physical body interaction is applied to inhabitants of both low and high dimensions. But this factor is not...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Younger than one is)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the transformation of your physical body after you ultimately move to the fourth dimension. And now I will tell you about main distinct features of the fourth and Fifth dimensions human body. We have already talked about the fact that as long as humans’ vibrations are increasing, they stop growing old. Why does this happen? The reason is, first of all, that human conscience changes getting rid of the well-established...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Reverse process)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to start a new topic that being a revision of what we have covered will reveal the energy mechanisms of your body changing gear in a more profound way though. We have already talked a lot about human physical body transformation into the light crystalline one that will enable people to exist in the high vibrations of the Fifth dimension. Yet, now I would like to focus on the transition period and tell about the things that will happen to...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (No status or subordination communication)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now when we have dwelled on the influence of natural elements on human communication, I would like to come back to the issue of one’s social status in the fourth dimension. As a matter of fact, all these things are closely interconnected, and the reason is as follows. In the third dimension world social status bears this or that energy load that is externally expressed in a certain manner of communication between people. This is how it has been from times...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Taming of elements)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To finish up the discussion on the influence produced by natural elements on human communication, today we will talk about the Element of Love that is the only one capable of balancing all the rest and, consequently, creating a balance in your communication having advanced it to the level of the fourth dimension. As a matter of fact, if you manage to exist in the energies of the Element of Love, you will not have to think about the impact of the other...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Earth and Heavens)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And now we will talk about the Element of Earth that also influences human communication to a large extent. But unlike other Natural Elements, it has more to do with the notion of the spiritual component of your communication. And it is reflected in your language too. Recall such expressions as “earthly man”, “down-to-earth thoughts”, “worldly talks”. They highlight one’s attitude to life. And in this case the meaning of the word “earthly”...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Flaming speech)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the role played in human communication by the Element of Fire. Recall such expressions as “flaming speech”, “passionate confessions”, “heated arguments”, “flare up”… All of them are reflection of the Element of Fire that directly influences your speech. When people are talking on an interesting issue and are getting more and more “inflamed” with the common topic, its discussion sometimes results in the very...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (“Favourable” wind of conversation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, today I would like to tell you about the influence produced on human relations by the Element of Air. To start with, your breath depends a lot on your emotional and spiritual state. So, sometimes you start “choking” because of anger or excitement. Why does it happen? Before all, the reason is that the energy balance of the element of Air gets disrupted in your body. This is the same energy “ripples” that were spoken about in my previous message...