Month: August 2021


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Collective consciences tasks peculiarities)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will reveal some details of this or that civilization’s collective conscience influence mechanism on its particles that are souls embodied. As far as a human soul is concerned, its interaction with its collective conscience is double-sided. It is explained by the fact that each person is unique and inimitable due to their Divine origin. And even finding themselves in the third density world, they preserve and augment the enormous experience...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Orion soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about one more peculiarity of two souls’ owners that few ever know about. And at issue will be those representatives of humanity in whose bodies along with Divine human Soul there coexists orion soul. Such combination is rather common on your planet, and it is such people who often become not just popular but also make significant impact on other people. Why does this happen? Featuring high IQ and thirst for knowledge, which is...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Deliverance of Divine Soul)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be addressed to owners of two souls, and I will tell you how you can finally get rid of your low vibration half. But first, let us once again talk about the way such “duplicity” can be identified. Have you ever thought that this word has arisen in your language not by chance? And though in the modern interpretation it means hypocrisy as well as double-facedness, long ago it was used in its direct meaning because in old times...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Different interests)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about different collective consciences’ interaction in the energy space of an individual – two souls’ owner. This time we will look into this issue in a broader way and will not identify what souls neighbour each other because on Earth you can come across most diverse and unexpected combinations of souls in physical bodies. The thing is that not only human souls choose the experience of...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Unequivalent exchange)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to focus on the energy mechanism of the interaction between different collective consciences. It will help those of you who have two souls neighbouring to better understand the processes occurring in you and to learn to guide them the direction you need. Let us consider it referring to the collective consciences most significant for earthlings – human and reptiloid. These two collective consciences...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Confrontation of consciences)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about climate change on Earth but will consider it from a different point of view. I will tell you how collective human conscience interacts with collective conscience of each of the natural elements. The complexity of this interaction is in the fact that on your planet there is not one collective conscience of all the inhabitants of Earth but a lot of collective consciences of the civilizations whose representatives are embodied...



Greetings, my dear brave souls! Here has arrived the last stage of your struggle with the Dark Forces. As you see, everything has reached the point of absurdity when even most patient and law-abiding of you cannot keep silent any longer or dutifully follow the humiliating demands of the criminals at the helm. As a matter of fact, everything that is going on is by far not accidental. For everything to come to light – both bad and good – a lot of efforts were made by the Light Forces and by...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Human influence on climate change)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about climate change on Earth and about the role played in it by man. Of course, not ozone holes will be at issue that are so widely discussed among you and that actually have no impact on climate changes. Everything that happens on your planet is, first of all, influenced by ENERGY emitted by man and all the rest is just external manifestation of these energy processes. As an example let us consider two industrial enterprises...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Climate change on Earth)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the way nature will react to new high vibration energies and the way climate will change on Earth. For nature, as well as for man, the space of the fourth dimension will be interim one between the third density world and the world of the Fifth dimension. And during all this time you will be watching the climate of Earth becoming milder and more comfortable for man. But for this to happen as quickly as possible natural...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to digress from our topic and tell you about the latent processes – both energy, and physical ones that are taking place on Earth now. While from the energy point of view everything happens quite logically and in a predictable way, the actions of the world government at the physical level may at first sight seem rather irrational and contradictory. The first thing is that the ruling top is perfectly aware of the month of September to...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Not aim but Creation)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the things that make the foundation of human actions in this or that dimension. As I have already said in my recent message, in the third dimension world all your emotions, thoughts and actions are aimed at results, which is quite normal for this world. Well, what will happen to you in higher dimensions? What will be the aim of all your actions? You will be surprised but there will be no aim as such, only the desire to do one’s...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! I would like to talk to you again since you are at the threshold of the great events that will upturn all your usual life. And it is essential you take these changes without panic or fear but with faith in the better future that is not far off now. As you see, everything is developing swiftly. The deep state’s marionettes at the helm have resorted to extreme measures this time almost forcing those in doubt to take the lethal vaccine having shown no mercy...

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