LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Constructive and destructive criticism)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to talk to you about the difference between constructive criticism and destructive one. Nowadays, when you receive a lot of shocking information it is essential to behave in the right manner so as to keep your vibrations at the level necessary for Transition. Of course, for the third dimension world person it is impossible to remain indifferent and not to speak out their critical attitude towards the ones...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress a little from our topic and will talk about the things taking place on Earth now from the higher Divine order point of view. Perhaps, many of you have noticed that authorities of the leading countries of the world keep on with their usual rhetoric habitually making terms in relation to those they consider to be weaker than they themselves. They take no notice of how quickly the situation is changing on the planet and, first of all, in...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Bringing Divine justice)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the impact made on people by human-friendly civilizations representatives embodied as humans. In spite of the fact that coming on Earth almost all of them lose the memory about who they are and why they have incarnated on this planet, their genetic memory and subconscious reactions still feature the impact of their civilization. That is why they see everything happening on Earth from another perspective – in a...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Different civilizations energy structure peculiarities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about other civilizations’ representatives embodied as humans. But first, I would like to digress from the issue a little and explain to you the difference between human souls gaining life experience in the third dimension world by means of their numerous incarnations on Earth and extraterrestrial civilizations souls, with those among them who sometimes repeatedly incarnate on your planet, too. First of all, they differ in their...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Relationships of humans with other civilizations representatives)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to start talking about the way your relationships with other civilizations representatives will be like on the Earth of the Fifth dimension. As a matter of fact, the liaison of earthlings with extraterrestrial civilizations has never ceased though people were not aware of it. And it is explained by the fact that quite numerous representatives of both human-friendly and human-hostile civilizations embodied as humans and still more numerous...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Cultural life on new Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to speak about cultural life on new Earth and about culture as such. In the third dimension world thanks to reptiloids’ efforts everything beautiful featuring the Divine origin began to disappear from your life. And it concerned absolutely any sphere: architecture, visual arts, music, theatre, literature, language, manner of dress, relationships between people… Genuine culture was everywhere replaced by pseudo culture and it was done...
Lucifer message Greetings, my sister! You were surprised that I called you like this. Do not be surprised, for all of us are God’s children. In this world, actually, everything is very conditional and what you call the Evil is, as a matter of fact, the other side of the coin named the Good. For if there were no Evil, how would you understand what the Good is? There is duality everywhere in the third dimension world, and it is duality that makes it so diverse and exciting. Imagine life with...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Universe library)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to continue talking about a new system of education on the Earth of the Fifth dimension. As long as there appear more and more people capable of getting knowledge right from the Universe “database”, your science will undergo radical changes. Both at school and at universities there will appear subjects unknown for you so far, such as, “Structure of Universe”, “Intergalactic relationships”, “History of Earth” and many...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Education on the Earth of the Fifth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what education will be like on the Earth of the Fifth dimension. As a matter of fact, the attitude towards education has already started to change but so far it is a drop in the bucket since the new system of teaching is maintained by the enthusiasm of the people who know about Transition of Earth into the Fifth dimension and about the peculiarity of the children that arrived at Earth during this period with the mission of new...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Two souls’ union)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what family relations in the Fifth dimension world will be like. And we will start with the point that they will be free but not in the sense the third dimension world people view them often changing the so-called “partners” but in the sense that they will not be officially confirmed. Since the relationships between man and woman are sacred by nature, they do not require any confirmation or registration by the state. Well, have...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Help in reviving)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! I know that many of you are concerned about where other people will go who are not ready for Transition since they are quite numerous in your environment, with your friends and relatives being among them. Believe me, my dear, everyone is given a chance to move to the Fifth dimension with Earth till the very last moment. And since at the final stage of Transition human conscience will start changing not just quickly but by leaps and bounds so really a lot of...
ДалееLIFE ON NEW EARTH (Coordinating centers of new Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what the coordinating center of the new Earth of the Fifth dimension can be like. As state borders as such will not exist there, for a start the world will still keep national communities united by language and culture heritage. It will help people live through the period of Transition into another reality still finding themselves in the usual and native environment. Besides, not all the people will be able to quickly master...