Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued I would like to focus on one more important aspect of the current events on Earth. And it has to do with the actions of those who embody the Forces of Dark on your planet. Besides, it concerns both manipulators – the hidden government, and those being manipulated – executors of their “masters’ ” will at all the levels of power-holding structure. Now they have united in a joint attempt to withstand the...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today when the corridor of eclipses I spoke of in one of my messages is over there is coming a crucial energy surge indeed that each of you should get as well prepared for as possible. And this event is connected with solar energy that for different reasons we are not going to focus on begins to release itself in the way that concentrated bundles of this energy will literally start “exploding”, which in its turn will influence the energy index of all the...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (In duality net)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking how you can learn to create your reality in terms of energy. But before this, I would like to focus on the mechanism of your conscience interaction with energies that actually determine any action of yours. It is energy in this or that form that your conscience largely consists of. And depending on its vibration component, you find yourself in this or that condition, taking this or that action. Your conscience is sure not to be...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy flows where attention shows)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start learning to control your life events in terms of energy. At present it is as important as ever since the Transition of Earth and the whole humanity into a new energy space is reaching its “practical” stage. All of you have already got a grounding in theory but so as to live through this transformation period in an appropriate way each of you will have to make certain efforts under the circumstances of the most severe confrontation of...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (All-triumphant Flame of Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you take the notion of “revived conscience”. We have already spoken a lot about the conscience of the Fifth dimension man but I see that for many of you it still remains theoretical – an unachievable ideal. As you already know, it is mostly your still persisting habits you have been developing from incarnation to incarnation to blame and they got gradually compressed in your subconscience to make dense blocks, therefore...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to remind you once again that the reality you got used to does not exist any longer. It is almost a year since the overwhelming majority of the planet’s population has been living not their life but the one imposed on them by the criminals who seized power on Earth. And the problem is that these criminals operate in an underhand way by means of their marionettes instilled into all institutions of power. Why do these people, who are more...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to make some kind of a review of the current events on your planet. But we will consider these events from the energy point of view. As you already know, the agony of the Dark Forces on Earth is now showing itself in a more apparent way and though realizing their defeat they are still trying to somehow keep afloat. The things going on your planet resemble the revelry of elements. And while the actions of authorities being guided by the...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Real-world examples)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, I would like to give you some more tips concerning the ways you can convey true information about current events on Earth more quickly and efficiently. Time woks for you now since it is becoming more and more difficult for the “script writers” and “stage directors” of the play named “Pandemics” to control the processes they launched. The truth about their deeds this way or another is penetrating the veil of...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Grain of truth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about how you can identify people at the vibration wave similar to yours. I will give some tips for those of you who have not learnt to use their chakra system yet and do not feel other people’s vibrations so far. Now, when the issue of coronavirus and related events are being widely spoken about, you can work out some evasive wordings – quite neutral ones so as to “test” people on their readiness to hear the truth. For...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Tuning on to vibration wave)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will learn to tune on to another person’s vibration wave so that you could resonate with them at all levels of existence – spiritual, physical and energy. Why is it so important? First of all, because of the fact that concordant communication between people is impossible without it, the one that should make the basis of the new society building process. Perhaps, many of you noticed that while talking people often simply do not hear each...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is addressed to those of you who think that changes on Earth occur too slowly and who are impatient to urge the process of Transition. To begin with, let us see how the subtle level processes of Earth correspond to their manifestation at the physical level. As it has already been repeatedly said in my messages, the Forces of Light have beaten hollow the Forces of Dark. And while at the subtle level this process has almost been completed,...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy stratification)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about how you can learn to build new relations not exposing yourself to danger. As you already know from my previous message, the main thing for you is to maintain balanced emotional condition and wise attitude to the current events. Since now all the efforts of the world government are aimed at decreasing overall energy index of Earth, you should do your best to prevent it. While for reptiloids the new energies arriving at Earth now are...