Greetings, my dear light Souls! Today I have come to tell to you about the currents events on Earth and the things you are awaited by in the nearest future. Perhaps, you have already noticed yourselves that at the beginning of the year there started to progress a lot of processes that “skidded” before. The revival of a growing number of people resulted in the wave of population’s discontent gradually turning into a tsunami this time that soon will start to sweep off the marionettes of the...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Dissolving all kinds of fear)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on drawing up a plan of actions for those who “have got lost” in the information flow of this website. The second point of your plan should become practices on deliverance from fear – the most destructive energy in the Universe. It is of extreme importance to work through it up till the end, that is, to deliver from it not only your conscience but subconscience as well. Since it is fear that is the main weapon of reptiloids by means of...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Pure information resource)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the medicine of the transition period and will dwell on self-healing. Generally speaking, this process has already begun for those of you who on a regular basis use the energy practices that you were offered in plenty on this website. But I understand, my dear, that because of the abundance of information it is hard for you to get concentrated on some particular things and draw up a clear-cut programme of actions. Why do I...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a round-up for our talk about how you can encourage the favourable developments on Earth I would like to give you one more tip. And at issue there will be your approach to the current situation on Earth. Many of you have already understood that unceasing waiting for positive changes just retard their arrival. And it is very easy to explain: foreseeing the future you are not actually making the cherished things closer but unintentionally shift them to the...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a supplement to the meditation “River of Ascension” I would like to offer you one more practice that you can use in your everyday life. It is also based on the principle of redistribution of energies. Each of you is likely to have favourite alternative information resources now that you trust and that your Soul is consistent with. But if you happen to suspect a “wormhole” in them as decrease of vibrations of the person who communicates this...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message today we will talk about the way you can influence the current situation on Earth so as to speed up the victory of the Light Forces at the physical level now. And at issue there will be redistribution of energies that are generated by the revived part of the population so that these energies make their contribution to the process of the Ascension of Earth. So far they often just introduce additional chaos thereby...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about the underlying processes of present-day situation development both at the subtle and physical levels. As you already know, everything is closely interconnected in the world, that is, any situation either in your own life or in the life of your planet arises first at the subtle level and only after that descends to the physical level. But the challenge is that at present too many different groups and communities are...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Magic blanket)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is addressed to those of you who have not realized the role of energies in your life to a full extent yet. In spite of the fact that for more than five years now we have been constantly talking about different kinds of energies, some people do not physically feel them yet that is why all the reasoning about energy influence on people remain partially unsubstantiated theory rather than practice for them. Therefore, today I would like to...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (One’s own psychologist)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on what the psychological assistance of the transition period from the third to the Fifth dimension will be like. As a new society will be acquiring its shapes and human conscience will be purifying from all the skim of the third dimension world, there will arise a new brunch of psychology. It will be based on different mentality principles this time. The psychological condition of a person will be considered from the point of...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Psychological assistance in transition period)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the medicine of the transition period when the overwhelming majority of the planet’s population will be in the fourth dimension now. After a complete Disclosure of who has ruled the world and what has happened on Earth for many centuries, a lot of people will need professional psychological assistance. While those reading this message now have been receiving such knowledge little by little and have already got adjusted to...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Medicine of transition period)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what the medicine of the transition period will be like when the conscience of the majority of people will not be able to switch over the new way yet. Of course, the greatest part of the psychological load will rest on doctors who are to retrain completely since their medical skills and approach to medicine in general do not fit the new reality of Earth at all. They will have to master not only new technologies but a new approach to...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Here has arrived a critical year of your life that will draw a line between the past and the future. But it does not mean, my dear, that you should look forward to the end of the year or some other earthshaking events. On the contrary, enjoy every breath you take and live a full life constantly being at the moment of “here and now”. Despite all the hardships and the chaos holding sway over the world learn to see great sense in this too and be glad with...