Greetings, our dear earthlings! Galactic Federation of Light have instructed me to give you a message of the great importance. Now all the Forces of Light, who are assigned to help earthlings with their Shift into a new dimension, are summoned for emergency. The moment of truth is approaching, when the “threshold” for overcoming problems must be determined, in other words, the degree of danger for people, who are at the brink of survival as a result of natural disasters, which become...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Redistribution of energies on the planet)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to summarize the whole series of my messages about the Laws of the Universe and the Egregors, which play rather important role in the fulfillment of these Laws in life. As you can see, they represent a whole and complex structure of subtle matter, which is intricately connected with the dense plane of Earth, and there is a constant energy exchange between them. Every one of you brings contributions to the egregors, positive or negative,...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Interaction between the man and the egregor)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we complete our conversation about the Egregor of Ascension, which we have discussed in my previous messages. And now I will explain in detail the mechanism of interaction between the man and the egregor; that you could better understand your role, which means your responsibility for everything that happens on your planet. The egregors themselves have appeared and continue to appear as consequences of the work of the Laws of the Universe. It can be...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The egregor of ascension and the laws of the universe)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Thus, today we’ll continue our conversation about the Egregor of Ascension and will observe it from a different angle, and particularly how the Laws of the Universe correspond with the fact, that all other egregors will be expelled (dissolved) by this new Egregor of 5D. If we consider that each egregor is the product of thoughts and emotions of the people, than transformation of such egregor into another and its complete destruction may appear as the...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The egregor of ascension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to continue our conversation about the creation of the Egregor of Ascension, which is a number one task for every person who have chosen the Shift. Why is it so important? You already know, dear ones, that everything in the Universe consists of energy – the nature, all living beings, their thoughts, emotions, wishes, actions. And even inanimate objects carry within them the energy of those who created them. And all that multi-variant...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Always remain yourself)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today’s message may have a great meaning for those of you, who have already begun their Service – for those who have devoted all their lives for helping humanity in this crucial period of the Shift from one dimension to another. And there are quite enough people like that on Earth. It often seems to you, that such a mission is served only by those who writes books and articles, makes movies and creates TV programs about the Ascension, and especially by...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Quantum leap of consciousness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! I would like to continue our conversation about the breakthrough, that your consciousness has to accomplish to enable you to shift completely and permanently into the unipolar energy space of 5D. In this instance, we speak about the quantum leap of human consciousness, which has to happen not only on subtle plane, but has to be expressed outwardly – in your thoughts and actions on physical plane of Earth. All of this happens at the junction of two worlds...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The gates into unipolar world)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to the new and important subject, which can be named “The breakthrough in consciousness.” Now when you understand how important is an obedience to the Laws of the Universe, and how closely these Laws intertwine with each other, we can move on to the new material, which will open the next page in your life. What I’d like, dear ones, is the new subject to stand upon the prepared ground, which means that all your subtle bodies should...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (How repentance changes your life)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our conversation about the Repentance, which at present time assumes a special meaning. I know that many of you are very sensitive about your former mistakes and inability to change them. That’s why, in my previous message I have given you a special practice, which allows you to replay the painful episodes of your life, giving them a different energy component. And now I’ll explain to you in detail how it works and what it brings...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (Practice of repentance)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will explain what is REPENTANCE and will look at its energy component. In many messages from the Higher Forces, it has been said already that everything is in the power of the humans, but to achieve that, they need to approach consciously whatever they do. The problem is that, while living in the world of duality, people involuntarily generate the energy of this world, aggression and opposition; and the lack of knowledge about the Laws of the...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The laws of the universe – inevitability of the requital)
Today we’ll continue our conversation about the Laws of the Universe, and now will discuss how to combine them with the laws, established by the people in 3D. Despite the differences, which I have mentioned in my previous message, of course, there are some points of convergence between them. It is mainly relevant to the lawful measures, which are directed for blocking the aggressive human behavior, which causes physical and moral harm to other people. But here is also a significant difference...

ASCENSION IN ACTION (The laws of the universe and common human laws)
Today I’d like to tell you why the Laws of the Universe are working always and everywhere, despite the human knowledge or the lack of knowledge about them. It is exactly what differentiates them from the Laws, created by man, which are primarily directed to strengthen the power of one group of people over the other; to compel people to live according to stereotypes; to instill in them the fear of punishment in case of disobedience to these laws. I have to admit, that in the world of duality...