Greetings, my dear beloved children! At the end of my astral world message series I would like to summarize everything I told you so that you can get a clear and accurate idea of the current events. Today I will focus on the structure of this world while tomorrow I will review your relationships with its inhabitants. So, the astral world is rich, versatile and multifaceted. It resembles a sandwiched cake with a “heavy” solid layer of low frequency energy at the bottom which is inhabited by...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Help astral beings to come back home)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we reach the point of my description of the astral world that focuses on the practical advice and recommendations on your interaction with the astral beings for the highest good of all. Now you are well aware of the fact that the astral world is your reflection, moreover, it is the chance to go on living for many human Souls, their fragments, to be exact, but in a different manner – as energy bundles of this or that kind because they couldn’t...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul wholeness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about your Soul wholeness, how to keep all Its particles together and not to capture other people’s Souls’ particles. After you do the meditations “Soul integration” and “Soul deliverance from foreign inclusions” you will have to consolidate your results so as not to get new energy connections. That is why I give you one more practice that you should make your everyday habit – your magic wand. Let’s call it “Soul...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul deliverance from foreign inclusions)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To carry on with the topic of the previous message on your Soul integration today I would like to tell you how you can return other people’s Souls’ fragments existing in your energy space. But first, it is essential to understand why they got there in order to avoid similar mistakes in future depriving other people’s Souls of their wholeness. Let’s study human Souls’ interaction process with the help of some real life example. It is a common case...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul integration)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My story about the astral world is coming up to an end and I would like to tell you about the steps you could take to help the astral beings to determine their rambling and to prevent yourselves from suffering the same pitiful lot. To start with, the most crucial thing for anyone is keeping one’s Soul whole which is possible only if one learns to keep one’s energy space pure with no alien energies having opportunity to intrude it. It is possible to...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Astral world hypocrites)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Since by this time you have learnt a lot about life style of the astral world inhabitants I would like to tell you about one more its peculiarity that concerns all the astral sublevels and levels. I am going to speak about the ability of the astral beings to put on life real shows. Don’t be surprised, my dear ones. As long as the astral world inhabitants are your reflection they can’t resist temptation to get entertained by some acting. As a rule, the...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul reunion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on discussing what happens to the human Soul’s fragment that after physical death finds itself in the astral world. As soon as they realize the way the things are they start adjusting to a new life looking around. In the case we study the Soul’s fragment of that good and decent person gets to the medium astral level that is inhabited by Souls’ fragments of the overwhelming majority of “the average” people – obedient and...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Starting point at the astral)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue speaking about the higher astral level beings and humans Souls’ fragmentation. Since this process is rather complicated and many-sided one let’s study a typical sample of an astral being’s way up till the ultimate reunion with its Soul. Once upon a time there lived a decent intelligent man, good at all respects. They loved their families and took good care of them. They were highly qualified specialists who dedicated many years...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Soul fragmentation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will go on speaking about the astral beings of the upper sublevel those at the very door of their new state of being completely integrated with their Soul. And today I will focus on what a Soul’s fragment is and how it can exist independently from it and why this happens. To start with, getting embodied a Soul arrives at Earth being whole because in between the incarnations it has already analyzed its previous life experience and all the lessons...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Upper sublevel of higher astral)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will switch over to the last and the highest sublevel of the higher astral level. In comparison with the other astral levels and sublevels it corresponds to a very narrow layer. It is inhabited by the beings who have covered a long evolution way in the astral world and have reached the state of being mature to come back Home and rejoin their Soul. They exist at the very border separating the astral levels from the world inhabited by pure human souls...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Protective sphere of supreme creator of universe)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To round up with the upper level of the astral world I would like to highlight its one more feature. It mostly concerns those of you who have their subtle world communication channel opened. I would like to provide you with one more tool of your “interlocutor” identification. I understand that it is particularly difficult to do when you are contacted by the higher astral beings because they REALLY want to do you no harm, just on the contrary, they are...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Astral «mite» to ascension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the medium sublevel of the upper astral. This case seems to be the most complicated for you to understand, for this sublevel’s inhabitants, just like you, also strive for Light and try to encourage the humanity’s headway to the Ascension making the best of their abilities and the way they understand what is happening. And it should be admitted that they have done a lot for that. The flood of information about the...