Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on discussing the way runs reptiloids’ humans enslaving programme. At the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century there were developed unprecedented cutting-edge technologies which was caused by the reptiloids’ growing appetite as they were not satisfied with what they achieved by transforming human conscience to the obedient crowd of featureless material values consumers. They made up their mind to institute total control...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Enslaving programme in action)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on discussing the structure created by reptiloids on Earth but this time we will focus not on its energy component but on the physical one and learn how they implement their programmes. So, we start with the high caste reptiloids who are action and programme “legislators” for the rest of this race’s representatives lower at the hierarchy ladder. It is this caste that is the cruelest and the most cynical one setting at naught both...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Reptiloids community structure)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will try to describe the structure of the net that reptiloids have weaved around Earth, which was spoken about in my first message. In fact, it is a very complex multistage, multilevel and multidimensional programme developed by the Dragon civilization so as there is not an inch unsupervised by reptiloids. And they have been a success in this. To help you visualize this you can imagine the globe covered in a net of bee’s cells. Inside a big bee...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Energy vampirism programme)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on the energy aspect of your interaction with reptiloids. As you have already understood from my previous messages these creatures, indistinguishable in outward appearance from humans, have no Divine Soul and, consequently, possess quite different vibration frequency. In terms of energy they are much weaker than humans and that’s the reason why they constantly need energy inflow to survive in this world. They get this inflow by...

Greetings, my dear beloved earthlings! Today I would like to communicate a message of my own as a commander-in-chief of the galaxy fleet and share with you my impressions of the things happening on Earth. As you already know, my spaceships have been supervising your planet for some years, so we can assess the dynamics of events development on Earth. And this is what we see. In general, the mankind has changed the overall vibration frequency rate for the last decade. At this point I mean only...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Distinctive features of reptiloids)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now I am going to innumerate the features you can trust to identify reptiloids in physical bodies. While the high caste reptiloids have rather peculiar appearance and they can be easily identified by outward features ordinary reptiloids are very similar to humans. You will be surprised but, as a rule, they are decent, law-abiding, sympathetic and sound in all respects “people” yet, too material-oriented. Communication with them always boils down to...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Human reptiloids)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about reptiloids and this time we will discuss what kind of children are born in mixed marriages of human beings and reptiloids. The most essential thing here is the emotions both the spouses have at the moment of conception of their child. If a child is made in love that some reptiloids, who reincarnated in human bodies many times, are still capable of, then a child will be a valid human being with a Divine Soul. If it is a...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (Ordinary reptiloids)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will talk about another type of creatures bred by the Dragon race that can roughly be called “ordinary reptiloids” who are present on Earth in huge number. They, unlike the high caste reptiloids, don’t know about their origin and truly believe they are humans. In fact, each of them is an inseparable part of the “net” made by the reptiloids’ progenitors – the Dragons – and it has cloaked the whole planet. Each of them has the “Render...

News from the Galactic Federation of Light (March 17, 2019)
Greetings, our dear earthlings! Today I am asked to communicate a message on behalf of the GLF. It says about our role in keeping the vibrational rate of Earth balanced that in recent months shows up in leaps, which affects the physical state of both the planet and the people. Why does it happen? First of all, it happens because of the gap between the new vibration frequency of Earth and the dual world vibration frequency getting bigger and bigger with every single day. That is the reason why...

REPTILOIDS AND CLONES (High caste reptiloids)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about reptiloids and focus on their peculiarities – their species and subspecies. Their most distinctive feature is strict hierarchy and unexceptionable obedience. Carefully developed supervision system applied to reptiloids embodied in human bodies has borne fruit. Their “generals” from the Dragon race who inhabit the near-earth space have succeeded in introducing their protégés for the posts in almost all vital spheres...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I start a new series and its topic for many of you may seem strange and frightening. Still, I believe that awakened human conscience is ready to accept it. The expression “what is done by night appears by day” is becoming less metaphoric and more direct. You must get prepared that due to your rising vibration frequency you will start seeing everybody the way they really are. And many of you will be shocked by how few there are real human Souls...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today in my closing message on the astral world I would like to focus once again on the perfect relationships with the astral beings of all kinds that you should have. As far as the lower astral beings are concerned I think those reading the message have vibration frequency too high for this level inhabitants to be able to affect them. But the majority of people is still susceptible to their influence so, please, my dear ones, be alert and monitor your...