The Center for Spiritual Development

"Real spirituality lies in completely dissolving oneself in Unconditional Love for everyone and for everything in the world. It is a complete absence of judgment, criticism, and control of other people. It is a complete inner freedom from stereotypes and cliches of behavior and lifestyle, imposed on people. It is such state of the soul when the soul wants to sing all the time, and when not a single negative thought or emotion could even come close to such a person, because they are encircled by the impenetrable veil of Love.""

God - Father


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Fifth dimension human body energy construction)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about energy construction of the Fifth dimension human body in more detail. So far there are almost no humans on Earth whose physical body has been completely transformed into the light crystalline one, but there some people who are already close to it. Therefore, it is essential for you to know what your new body should be. It will enable you to “build” it up in a conscious way, to learn to see and feel the energy and subtle...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (How to keep one’s channel pure)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the niceties of channeling from the Forces of Light, I will give you some tips on how to keep your channel pure that is to prevent astral beings from intruding into it. First. If you have had your channel opened, do not hurry to share this joy with people. It is of extreme importance, my dear ones, since communication with the Forces of Light is a subtle sacred process that gains in efficiency gradually. So, until you gain certain...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about substitution of the Higher Powers messages with information communicated by astral beings, and I will tell you in detail how it occurs in practice. As it was said in my recent message, to decode the information energy package received from the subtle level there joins in the fifth chakra through which the information channeled is communicated to the outer world. But the fifth chakra is exactly the level that upper astral...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Withstanding test of fame)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my yesterday’s message to be continued I would like to reveal to you some more reasons why people who start channeling genuine information from the Higher Powers lose the purity of information perception letting astral beings seize their channel. Very often it is caused by PUBLICITY. It is exactly what has ruined many pure ancient Souls embodied on Earth with the great mission of support of humanity in Transition to the Fifth dimension. What do I mean...



Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I have come to you as assigned by the Galaxy Light Federation in order to communicate our latest news to you. As you have probably guessed, among the numerous UFOs being now spotted in different parts of your planet there are a lot of spaceships of the Galaxy Light Federation. In the near-earth space the situation has turned unique with all the interested parties having grouped their forces for further actions. What do I mean by the expression “interested...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is aimed at reminding you about the fact that the turning point of the confrontation between the Light and Dark forces on Earth is coming, and the way each of you behaves determines the future of humanity. And believe me, my dear ones, these are not big words but present-day reality. After the imposition of quarantine that was artificially introduced to intimidate population in order to rule its conscience the world government faced the...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about the way people channel messages from the Higher Powers of the Universe relying on their subtle sense organs. As it has already been said in my previous message , the validity of the information channeled depends on person’s vibration frequency and their sixth and seventh chakras’ activation, as well as that of the pineal gland’s. It is necessary to fine “tune” all the three Divine “aerials” of a person to keep...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will give you some details on what makes the sixth and the seventh chakras connected to a pineal gland. As you already know from my recent message, a pineal gland is a mirror reflector of your sixth chakra. But its connection to your crown chakra is as close. A pineal gland is a retransmitter of any information conveyed by the Higher Powers of the Universe both personal one and that addressed to other people. And the thing that you call channeling...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about your seventh chakra. So, I will tell you what makes it connected to the sixth chakra and a pineal gland, as well as what its peculiarities are. While your sixth chakra – your third eye – is a Portal connecting you to the Divine aspects of your Soul, the seventh chakra is a Gate connecting you to the worlds of higher dimensions and allowing your access to the database of the Universe. And they are certain to be closely...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we are approaching a crucial stage of your spiritual work – consolidation of all your upper – Divine – chakras. It is going to be the climax of the transformation process of your physical body into the light crystalline one. And now we will speak about your seventh chakra. Why do many people see it at the subtle level as a lotus flower that has already gained the status of human Divinity? A lotus flower has symbolized SPIRITUAL PURENESS from...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of your sixth chakra and the role it plays in your life in this Earth transition period, I would like to reveal to you one more its peculiarity. In my recent message I mentioned the fact that your third eye is closely connected with a pineal gland that is its mirror reflector. So now, I will explain to you why it is a mirror one. As a matter of fact, a pineal gland of a person assumed the function of “reflecting” into...


TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Third eye as interaction channel with world)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak about how you can interact with the world around you by means of your Portal of the third eye. After you have learnt to use this Divine tool, unlimited opportunities to co-Create with the Higher Powers of the Universe will open for you. You will become their valid representatives on Earth capable now to consciously create a new reality both of your own and of the planet’s in general. But this can occur only if you learn to take any...

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