Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why it is Russia that arouses so much hatred for the part of globalists that they are trying to impress on the rest of the world too by means of the mainstream media under their control. Those who have been reading messages on this website for long have probably noticed that neither me, nor other representatives of the Light Forces never single out or oppose to each other any nations, any countries, any peoples. And it...
Greetings, our dear earthlings! At this moment critical for you we would like to support you and add our vision of the things taking place on your planet. Just as all human-friendly civilizations we are carefully following the recent events on Earth since it is them that determine the course of history at present. We see how few are people who take the mission of the great Slavonic country with sympathy and understanding. The determining battle of Good against Evil is being represented to...
Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I have come to you as the commander-in-chief of the space fleet of human-friendly civilizations. And I would like to share my vision of the current military conflict that attention of all Earth’s inhabitants is focused on. All the hysteria, lie and hatred in respect of Russia that the so-called “developed countries” are seized with are accounted for by the fact that Russian people have managed to change the scenario written by the deep state. The plans...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And again I have to return to the issue of the military conflict in Ukraine because I see that all your attention is focused on the events taking place there. But today I would like to call you not to get involved into this information, contradictory and most often biased, that is showering you from everywhere but to get down to practical measures for harmonizing the situation to the greater good of all the humanity. I would like to offer you a practice that...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is addressed to those of you who still cannot put up with the idea that for the ultimate victory of the Light Forces on Earth a military operation had to be resorted to. I know that some of you have cognitive dissonance since for so many years you have been called for energy work only and peaceful solution of any problems that you face in life. But when the thing at issue is the rescue of Earth from alien invaders, and this is what the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to show you a more extended picture of the global events. Well, what is actually going on now? Why there has started this mass hysteria and where do these flows of lie, hypocrisy and aggression come from that all the mainstream media are flooded with? Firstly, protest actions against the restrictions connected with the false pandemic and against “vaccination passports” have begun to assume mass character. This movement was initiated by...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And again I would like to talk about Ukraine, with too many interests interweaving and situation developing swiftly there. Many of you are wondering why special military operation in this country has begun just now. It is certainly to have happened not by chance. This way it was possible to prevent vehement provocations and rescue lives of millions of civilians. As I have already told you a cornered predator will stop at nothing but the things that were...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk in detail about the events occurring in Ukraine now, which as I see worries each of you. As a matter of fact, it is there that the struggle of the Dark and the Light Forces has reached its close fight stage at the physical level now. The things that have been prepared and developed in terms of energy at the subtle level of Earth for so long are showing outwards now. Unfortunately, this struggle cannot pass painlessly for...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine knowledge treasury)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will start a new topic that will combine the two previous ones. Now you have not only to unite objective and subjective realities in your conscience but also to do it so that there is no cognitive dissonance that can reduce to nothing all your spiritual progress. As you see, my dear, we move from simple to complex but this “complex” is actually nothing but summarizing the material studied that has already become rather well-shaped in your...
Marta – Father, please, tell about what actually is happening on the territory of Ukraine now. Father-Absolute – Now globalists have resorted to the thing they have saved for the rainy day – the so-called war under false flag. When the disclosure of their criminal activity has reached its final stage and revival of huge number of people has become now impossible to stop, they turned to extreme measures trying to “lay their own fault at somebody else’s door”. Taking advantage...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Integrated approach)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of cognitive dissonance, I would like to focus on one more its peculiarity typical of sympathetic people. And it is in the fact that for many of you it is hard to combine in your conscience two seemingly mutually exclusive things: how you can watch the events in a reserved way working in terms of energy only and at the same time show one’s civil position at the physical level preventing appalling encroachment of human...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the present situation on Earth. As you see, there has arrived the very crucial moment of the struggle between the Light Forces and Dark on your planet that has already been mentioned in my messages more than once. At present masks are flying not only off the heads of the leading countries of the world and their field employees but off the people around you too. Each person on Earth irrespective of their nationality,...