god-geneGreetings, my dear beloved children!

Today I would like to explain to you why it is Russia that arouses so much hatred for the part of globalists that they are trying to impress on the rest of the world too by means of the mainstream media under their control.

Those who have been reading messages on this website for long have probably noticed that neither me, nor other representatives of the Light Forces never single out or oppose to each other any nations, any countries, any peoples.

And it happens because what is valuable indeed is only the human Soul irrespective of the region of the planet it has incarnated in the physical body this time.

It is the purity and “age” of the Soul that is a criterion of its spiritual growth, not nationality, social or religious identity.

And only duality has introduced its amendments into perception of this or that person bringing into the picture quite other – material and social – values.

As a matter of fact, there is only one criterion of being human that has not been much spoken about before so as not to inspire separation or provoke false pride or superiority among the part of your planet’s population that features such a unique genetic peculiarity.

And this peculiarity is well known to the Dragon reptiles and the Orions who have been trying for millennia to interfere in it thereby meddling with the Divine plan of Creation.

And at issue is a pure, not distorted by alien “additives” the God Gene.

What is it?

It is the “core” – Divine “nuclei” – God’s particle that lives in a person and that features the very Unconditional Love, Charity and Sympathy that are typical of the high order creatures.

And this particle is in one of your DNA threads.

As you already know, among the original 24 DNA threads there are only two active ones in present-day man, while the rest are in “dormancy” state.

Why has it happened?

It was seen to by your planet’s conquerors again who were well aware of the fact they would not be able to bend God’s Children to their will.

That is why they have done their best to reduce the Divine essence of man to nothing thereby decreasing human vibrations as much as possible.

They gradually managed to modify the human genome the way its main component became physical survival and struggle for existence.

It showed especially vividly when duality took root on Earth whose apogee has become recent events on your planet.

Well, why all the power of hatred and aggression has befallen just the Slavonic part of Earth’s population?

The only reason is that most people of Slavonic origin have preserved the very authentic innate Divine genome.

This is why from times immemorial Slavonic nations have been famous for Spirit Power, Justice and Mercy.

Of course, the third dimension world programmes that have been instilled into human conscience by the Dragon race have not kept clear of the Slavs either.

But even under the thick layer of these programmes the Slavs preserved the God Gene.

That is why when a great misfortune occurred and one had to make choice in favour of Good or Evil, a person featuring the God Gene always chose Good, even if it sometimes cost them life.

This is why the Russian nation uniting many of the Slavonic groups now in existence has a reputation of being unconquerable, which is well known to those still at the helm of your planet.

This is the reason why they are undertaking the last attempt to ruin the God Gene in Slavonic nations not loathing anything: neither gene engineering that the so-called “vaccines” are based on, nor biological weapons that have been developed for decades just for these purposes.

So now, with the last crucial fight between the Light Forces and the Forces of Dark being in progress on Earth, it is time to open your eyes to this knowledge too.

But I hope, my dear, that it will encourage not the blowing up of your false pride or feeling of being important but awareness of your mission for humanity in general and understanding of your responsibility to it.

I bless you and love you immensely!

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on March 7, 2022.

Обсуждение: есть 1 комментарий

  1. Tracey says:

    How refreshing! No matter how hard the evil try, their efforts will not have effect towards all humanity.
    To all Russian Nations,
    I am asking you all please fight for humanity.
    A loved one of mine is in hospital, I would love more than anything to visit however I cannot conform with the hospitals protocol before entering, such as the RAT test and wearing a mask, I have told myself ‘you can do this once Tracey’, I then hear a voice ‘NO you cannot do this’, I believe this is my higher self, I have strong morals therefore I cannot go against my true feelings even in a situation where I cannot be there for a loved one. I wish for this to end for these evil entities asap, they are ruining the lives of loving humans.


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