WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy “battles”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the fifth chakra and the causal body corresponding to it. What third dimension world programmes instilled into the human subconscience make influence on it? Before all, it is the desire for conveying one’s point of view to others. It is this programme that breeds endless arguments and discussions both in families, among friends, and in the media environment. You can ask me: “Well, what is wrong about this programme? Are there any...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Emotional attachment)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us now move on to the consideration of the mental body and its interaction with the human subconscience. Since at issue is the heart chakra, subconscious programmes are mostly connected with affection of people to each other. Have you ever thought where the very expression of “emotional attachment” comes from? As a matter of fact, it already conveys a certain programme: energy bonds of one person in respect of another. There seems to be nothing...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Living somebody else’s life)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about what third dimension world programmes instilled into human conscience get “printed” into the human emotional body. One of the most settled programmes like these is programme of control over one’s close people that is actually very similar to those of possession and self-assertion. But in this case at issue is control over someone’s conscience and strive for keeping them within one’s own worldview frames. In...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Omnipresent fear)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the next chain of interaction between your subconscience and subtle bodies. Let us move on to the next – emotional body – and the third chakra corresponding to it, perhaps, the most vulnerable one since it is this chakra that takes the burden of all your worries. And the main of them is FEAR in all its manifestations. It is by means of this emotion out of human control that the Dragon reptiles successfully manipulate human...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sexual “revolution”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message let us consider another example of interaction of the third dimension world programmes introduced into your subconscience with your subtle bodies. The physical body is followed by the etheric one and the second chakra corresponding to it that is responsible for procreation and sexual appeal. And the things that happen in your world now are mostly reprogramming of initial Divine programmes naturally instilled into man...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why a new series of my messages will be issued under the title of “Window on new world”. The thing is, my dear, that the door on this world has not opened wide yet even for those who are potentially ready to walk through it. And the reason is as follows. For the majority of people who have found themselves in the third dimension matrix for so long it would be too hard to overcome the barrier between the dimensions. It...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Awareness test)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we start a new topic with you, and it concerns those of you who have managed to overcome the inertia of your mentality and break free from the metes and bounds of the third dimension world by your conscience. Why do I lay emphasis on this particular quality? The thing is that the events related to the Russian military operation in Ukraine became the last and the most important awareness test for the revived part of your planet’s population. It is the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about what is happening now to the energy background of Earth in terms of the recent events. As I have already told you a lot of times in my messages, the main purpose of the Dragon reptiles is keeping Earth and humanity in general in low vibrations, which is the chief condition of these creatures’ survival. And now when Earth is entering a new high vibration space, it is becoming their barest necessity. The military conflict...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize the events that have taken place on your planet since the beginning of the military operation in Ukraine. As you see, it has prolonged, and it happened only because the forces under globalists’ control in Ukraine have shown themselves in their typical manner again. Since human life has no value to them, they use the civilian population as a cover. Unlike them, the aim of Russian warriors is to preserve life of innocent...
Greetings, dear earthlings! We have come to you with a certain mission today, and it is to communicate to you the decision of the Pleiades Council of Elders in terms of your planet’s support in the struggle for deliverance from the Dragon reptiles and Orions’ yoke. We see that at present this struggle has reached its final stage and the heat of tension from both the sides has come up to the summit. Of course, the situation is really a complicated and multi-level one both at the subtle, and...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of genetic peculiarities of these or those nations, I would like to draw your attention to the influence produced on the God Gene by the other soul a person may have. Up till recently the knowledge about some people possessing the other soul has been hidden from man. Perhaps, many of you noticed that in alternative resources of information they mostly talk about external influence on people made by such creatures as...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about genetic peculiarities of people and about their interaction with their conscience and Soul. It is a very important aspect of knowledge that was the one to make the Dragon reptiles to commit a crime in order to affect the God Gene. Why do globalists hunt for the genetic material of the Slavonic nations? The main reason is, before all, that they are trying to reveal the mystery of their Soul and understand why it is so...