Greetings, our dear earthlings! Well, here has come the crucial battle of the Light Forces and Dark on Earth at the physical level this time. The events are developing according to the classical scenario: Dark Forces resorting to the most unfair methods hide their true plans under the cover of lie and hypocrisy, while the Light Forces fighting a many-headed insidious Snake for the sake of humanity have to defend their reputation exposing endless intrigues of the opponent. But it will be a...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to highlight one more aspect of such notion as public opinion. And at issue is the ways of its transformation depending on the situation and changing conscience of people. As you know, public opinion is mostly formed by those who are in charge of the media. This is the easiest and shortest way to human minds of those unwilling to think independently and taking for gospel the information conveyed by the heads of their countries. But...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to explain the energy mechanism of public opinion introduction into human conscience. The process is rather complicated and multilevel since, unlike reptiloids who live in compliance with certain “basic” programmes that were initially instilled into their collective conscience, people try to analyze information not taking everything for gospel. And the glaring example of this is the situation with the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the way you can oppose public opinion that is strenuously formed by the shadow government through the media in their grip. Even if you yourselves do not watch or listen to the mainstream news channels, this way or another you find yourselves involved into the vast information field created by them due to the people around you. But first, let us find out what public opinion is and why the impact it makes on people is so...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to continue talking about the niceties of the energy processes now in progress on Earth but this time focus on interaction of man with the Dark Forces that have activated now as ever. Perhaps, many of you have noticed that these days energy attacks on you have not just become more common but also aggravated, which influences your physical and psychic condition. Why does it happen? The main reason is that the concentration of old energies...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to point out one more nuance of your interaction with the Forces of Light at this stage of Transition. As I have already mentioned, there is almost no time left for procrastination therefore all the processes on Earth – both energy and physical – are in process at an accelerated rate. It is well illustrated by instant karma that I told you about the other days and the evil deeds that are now brought to...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about the contradictions that arise in many of you in relation to the recent events on Earth. And the main of them is that your notion of the Light Forces’ support in Transition that has been mentioned so often in a lot of messages does not correlate at all with the tragic developments taking place now on the territory of Ukraine. “How could the Higher Powers let such things happen?” – many of you exclaim. As a...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (How steel gets hardened)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about acute problems that people are facing more and more all over the world. As you see, globalists have managed to drive people out of their usual comfort zone even in the most well-off and prosperous countries. And it has happened because they had to put to life their programme on the planet’s population reduction and complete digitizing of the rest of it under emergency and at an accelerated pace. Now with the adroitness of jugglers...
WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Leaving third dimension matrix)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I feel like talking to you about the current events on Earth and consider them from the perspective of the third dimension programmes again that were spoken about in a series of my messages. Everything that has to do with the military conflict in Ukraine and more is assuming a grotesque touch now, isn’t it? It is not even a theatrical performance now but a real clownery that involves the leading countries of the world’s governments. But a lot of...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And again I turn to the present-day situation on Earth. Why do I tell you about all the twists and turns of the energy processes now in progress? First of all, the reason is that it is exactly these processes that are the “flywheel” for the processes at the physical level. And today I would like to explain to you one more energy mechanism that shows in a quite vivid and graphical way these days. What do you think is the reason for the aggression of the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In today’s message I would like to show you the twists and turns of karmic laws functioning in terms of energy changes on your planet. As it has already been said more than once in my messages, thanks to the new high vibration energies that are arriving at Earth now, time frames of these laws functions have compressed to the utmost. And it has happened because at present all the energy processes are swiftly changing their parameters. I have already told...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And there is one more thing I would like to tell you about in respect of the recent events on Earth. I know that many of you feel confused about the fact that the Transition of Earth has followed such seemingly unfavourable scenario as a military conflict in Ukraine that causes so much pain and sorrow to people. Of course, it is not accidental and, first of all, from the metaphysical point of view. For thirty years Ukrainians were given a chance to revive...