ASCENSION IN ACTION (Divine law of unity)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Let’s continue our conversation about living according to the Laws of the Universe, while still staying in the space of 3D. Of course, you have to remember that the results of your actions will not be seen immediately, in contrast to the laws of the human society to which you are accustomed. It happens not only because the time is necessary for them to descend from the subtle to physical plane. The main reason is that the energy fields of the third and...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (The laws of the universe in action)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our conversation about the following issue: which principles should guide you during the times of the Shift of the Earth and all humanity from the third to fifth dimension. At the present time, only a small number of people know how fortunate they are to live on your planet in such great and unique times. That’s why, dear ones, you have special responsibility – to show with your own example – what a person of the future is like,...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (New step on your path to ascension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we are approaching a very important topic, which from now on will become a beacon on your path to Ascension. We will discuss your new attitude towards life, based upon the different – Universal laws, and will learn not to retreat from them, while being in the 3D world, because for those who have chosen Ascension there is no way back already. We’ll start from something quite simple, something that you know very well already, and what has become your...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! I’d like to make a small diversion from our theme and tell you what’s happening with your planet now. Today is the end of the series of eclipses, which have occurred with an equal time space between them. And the fact that the lunar eclipse has happened in between the two solar eclipses is not a coincidence. In that way, some kind of “leveling” of the heavenly bodies, which are directly connected with Earth, was necessary to allow them to align their...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Communication with your spiritual guides)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to continue our conversation about communication with the Highest Forces of the Universe and we’ll focus on its another aspect. We’ll speak about your Spiritual guides: who they are and what role they play in your life. As a rule, they are the Ascended Masters, who have chosen as their mission to help humanity. Majority of them are those, whom you call Saints, but sometimes they may be representatives of the other planets and...
Greetings, my dear earthlings! In the last month, quite a few important events have happened in the space around Earth and also in the Galaxy as a whole. First of all, it concerns the Sun. Its energetic component has experienced significant changes. It has happened due to the qualitative jump in the sun’s vibrations. It is similar to a process, when a person who is shifting to the new level of spiritual development, goes through a crisis with concurrent high temperatures. The same thing is...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Heavenly helpers)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to remind you of something that you know very well, but quite often forget. We’ll speak about your Heavenly helpers. Many of you think that you need to address them only in extreme cases, when you are facing very serious problems in your life, but you are embarrassed to bother them with trifles. But in reality, dear ones, we are always very happy to help you with big and small problems. It is a great joy for us to hear you, to feel our...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Flexibility of consciousness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to continue our conversation that we have started in my previous message and to focus upon another aspect of the Ascension process, an adaptation of man to the new vibrations of Earth. But this time we’ll speak about your ability to reprogram your consciousness according to constantly changing events, both positive and negative, changing as in a kaleidoscope like wishing to test your reaction. It is relevant not only to the global changes...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Meet your challenges with “An Open Visor”)
My dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you what’s happening on a subtle plane of Earth. Everything is changing quite rapidly, because your planet is going through the process of adaptation to the new conditions in accelerated rate. And that’s why. First, the volume of negative energy, that had been accumulated on subtle Earth plane, is starting to express on physical plane more clearly and extensively. It is expressed in the following way: all the processes that have been...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Self-appraisal)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more personal trait that represents a 3D make-shift in notions. It has to do with your perception of yourselves. In other words, we will talk about your self-appraisal. It is the personal trait that is most susceptible of perception duality and there is a reason for that. Since childhood you have been provided with some basis for certain human relation patterns that you develop later on in adult life. As time goes on you get more...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Love to one’s neighbor)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s carry on with the topic started in my previous message. And, first of all, I would like to explain to you what Love to one’s neighbour means in terms of the Divine. In the world of duality it is often substituted for notions practical by nature such as care, guardianship, control, desire to promote one’s education and employment searching for the pie counter which makes one fairly well-to-do and free from troubles and sorrows. It mostly...
ASCENSION IN ACTION (Reappraisal of values)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to explain to you why I draw your particular attention to the character traits that impede your spiritual growth. My dear ones, the fact is that lots of common virtues for centuries have been made out of personal traits that are not worth of it at all. But the secret and skillful manner of making this obstructs drawing a distinction between responsibility and guilt, love and ownership and control, practical approach and greediness, respect...