TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy process of disease origin)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To complete my story about the interaction of the etheric and emotional bodies of a person in this transition period, I want to dwell on another aspect of such interaction. As I told you before, the Divine Matrix is a fusion of your physical and atmic bodies. But this can happen only by full purification of all your intermediate subtle bodies which being combined in the energy of Love will become a solid “binder material” for them. And now...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue the conversation about the etheric body of a person and move on to the practical part of working with it. Since in the third dimension the etheric body is directly connected with the emotional, mental and causal bodies that supply it with the “material” which it is formed from, we will dwell on its interaction with each of these bodies in more detail. And we will start with the emotional body that corresponds to your third chakra,...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (The interaction of the etheric and physical bodies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To continue my yesterday’s message, I would like to tell you about ways for speeding up the process of creating your Divine matrix. And today we will put our focus on the energy interaction of the physical and etheric bodies of man. As you already know, the etheric body is the exact twin of your physical body with the only difference that it is not manifested externally, that is it is invisible for you. The etheric body can be compared with the...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I want to tell you about what your Divine matrix is and what role it plays in the Ascension process. But first you need to understand clearly the meaning of the word itself. The matrix is the subtle material twin of a person. It contains all the essence of a person – both individual and accumulated under the influence of various programmes of the third dimension world. The human matrix is multi-layered. Those layers that are...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I want to give you some simple practices that will help you monitor your own energy state and at the same time identify the causes of soul discomfort. Recall such expressions as “unquiet soul”, “be sick at heart”, “unquiet soul”. And sometimes it happens even when there are no signs of any external reasons for concern. In fact, in this way, the Soul of a person is trying to draw the attention to the fact that...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (The key to the human soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will continue to talk about how to discern the spark of God in a person, that will help you to reach this sparkle and to flare it up as brightly as possible. As you already know from the series of my messages about Reptiloids, there are two souls living in many people on earth – both human and reptiloid one. And in such cases it is much more difficult for you to identify a person, because one soul or the other will prevail in them depending on...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (How to discern the particle of God in a human)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To go further in understanding the deep meaning of living your life COMPLETELY in all respects, we will talk today more closely about your attitude to people. Try to be as sincere as possible while giving the answer to the following question: “Do I know how to discern in each person a particle of God?”. Of course, in this case we are talking about human beings, since many of you have already learned to recognize reptiloids and clones by the absence of...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to communicate a message of paramount importance that concerns each of you. I would like you to be well prepared for any further developments on your planet so that the long-awaited changes many of you are looking forward to will not take you aback. I see that a lot of people who have known about the Transition of Earth into the Fifth dimension for years are, in truth, INTRINSICALLY not ready for those drastic changes in their...
It is time to dot one’s i’s and cross one’s t’s
Greetings, dear earthlings! My today’s message is addressed to those of you who know about the Ascension of Earth to the Fifth dimension but regard it as something distant and hardly achievable. Now it is high time to dot one’s i’s and cross one’s t’s so that the actuality of the current events is beyond any doubt for you. In addition to the message communicated for you by Ashtar Sheran today I would like to focus on some details of our plan on the mankind rescue. The first thing I...
Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I would like to communicate a message from the Galaxy Light Federation that authorized me to tell you about the recent events taking place at the subtle level of Earth. So, to begin with, this summer has brought down the curtain of the whole epoch of your planet’s life and triggered new processes of its development. It was visibly manifested in the fact that all natural anomalies records in the history of Earth have been beaten. If to compare the present...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s continue the conversation about learning to live in the Fifth Dimension, while remaining in the third dimensional world. This is very important, since only your new state of the Soul can help you to move both your conscience and your physical body into a new energy space of the Earth naturally and painlessly. Why do I return over and over again to seemingly the same topics? My dear ones, only because I see how difficult it is for you to put a...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will speak on one more human peculiarity that prevents them from breaking free from the third dimension world programmes. And this is what it is. The notion of responsibility takes many of you hostage, the responsibility for yourself, people, the planet… In this case the good old dual world stereotype is involved: good – bad, serious – careless, responsible – irresponsible… You treat responsibility as duty, work at yourself and others and...