Month: March 2022


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Dissolving third dimension “web”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the programmes of the third dimension world on a global scale now and dwell on their interaction with collective human conscience. I would like you to work not only on your own conscience and subtle bodies, but on common collective conscience as well. But there are some peculiarities of its own, and the main of them is that collective human conscience is not homogeneous since it embraces not only the conscience of pure human souls,...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Consolidating results)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we have come up to the last point of the plan on deliverance of your subtle sense organs from the third dimension world programmes influence. And it is in consolidating the results of your work. How can you check whether there are any traces of these programmes left in your conscience, subconscience and, consequently, subtle bodies? Before all, you can understand it judging by your reaction to current events and the people around you. This is what we...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Disconnecting from third dimension programmes)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you can learn to feel your subtle bodies’ reaction to these or those programmes of the third dimension world. A lot of you undeliberately feel the reaction of your lower chakras when you are “sick at heart” or you have “a lump in the throat” or your solar plexus is chilled with fear. But now we will move on further so as to learn to monitor whole programmes rather than certain negative emotions that are triggered by...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Reasons for subconscious programmes appearance)

Greeting, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the reasons for these or those programmes emerging in your subconscience. Of course, most of them are based on the so-called “social customs” – the morals and manners that in the third dimension world are implanted in one from childhood. Even the dual mentality itself that features separation is the main programme of the third dimension world and that for many incarnations of people on Earth has become securely impressed in...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Turning duality into unipolarity)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you can learn to reveal the fact that you have the third dimension world programmes instilled. Perhaps, the easiest method to do this is to watch your reaction to the people around you ranging from your family to the people you hardly know. But it is essential to monitor the very first reaction until your mind joins since the first impulse always comes from your subconscience. A lot of you are likely to notice your...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Admitting one has third dimension programmes instilled)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will move on to a more detailed consideration of each of the items enumerated in my previous message. And the first of them says about admitting you have the third dimension world programmes instilled. What should you start with? Try doing the following. Every time you say a phrase or commit some actions ask yourselves: “What am I being driven by at this moment? Is my Soul guiding me or am I acting and thinking by inertia and, consequently,...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (How to purify subconscience from third dimension programmes)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, after I have told you about the most common programmes of the third dimension world that have taken root in your subconscience and the way they interact with your subtle bodies, it is time to get down to practical classes on deliverance from these programmes. But for a start, I would like to give you general commendations on the work coming. What is the gist of it? First. It is necessary to ADMIT you have such programmes instilled. As a matter of fact,...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Energy “battles”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the fifth chakra and the causal body corresponding to it. What third dimension world programmes instilled into the human subconscience make influence on it? Before all, it is the desire for conveying one’s point of view to others. It is this programme that breeds endless arguments and discussions both in families, among friends, and in the media environment. You can ask me: “Well, what is wrong about this programme? Are there any...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Emotional attachment)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us now move on to the consideration of the mental body and its interaction with the human subconscience. Since at issue is the heart chakra, subconscious programmes are mostly connected with affection of people to each other. Have you ever thought where the very expression of “emotional attachment” comes from? As a matter of fact, it already conveys a certain programme: energy bonds of one person in respect of another. There seems to be nothing...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Living somebody else’s life)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about what third dimension world programmes instilled into human conscience get “printed” into the human emotional body. One of the most settled programmes like these is programme of control over one’s close people that is actually very similar to those of possession and self-assertion. But in this case at issue is control over someone’s conscience and strive for keeping them within one’s own worldview frames. In...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Omnipresent fear)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the next chain of interaction between your subconscience and subtle bodies. Let us move on to the next – emotional body – and the third chakra corresponding to it, perhaps, the most vulnerable one since it is this chakra that takes the burden of all your worries. And the main of them is FEAR in all its manifestations. It is by means of this emotion out of human control that the Dragon reptiles successfully manipulate human...


WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Sexual “revolution”)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message let us consider another example of interaction of the third dimension world programmes introduced into your subconscience with your subtle bodies. The physical body is followed by the etheric one and the second chakra corresponding to it that is responsible for procreation and sexual appeal. And the things that happen in your world now are mostly reprogramming of initial Divine programmes naturally instilled into man...

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