Ascension in Action (Correcting mistakes)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to speak with you on the following subject: what is preventing many of you from mastering your subtle sensory bodies, which means connecting with your Divine aspects. First of all, it is your disbelief in yourself. It seems to you that you are not ready yet, that you have not grown enough for that, that it could be accomplished by someone else – who is more spiritual. This disbelief has become “ingrown” within you. It is extended...
Ascension in Action (Glance from the side)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll move to the next practice, which we will call “Glance from the side.” And that’s what it means. Try to observe any life situation not from the inside, but from the side – from being above it, meaning not tuning in emotionally. Theoretically, many of you already know and understand that, but today we’ll learn how to apply it in practice. Let’s consider that you are facing a complex conflicting situation – it may be at home,...
Ascension in Action (New way of Communication)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to sum up the results of your work with the first two practices, which I have given you in the previous messages. As you understand already, they are built according to one principle: the basis of any of your thoughts, emotions, and actions is the Divine component. It is exactly what initiates the chain of the following actions. Therefore, it is important not to loose the very first moment, when your first reaction to the people’s actions...
Ascension in Action (Practice “Unity of Three”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’ll give you one uncomplicated practice, and if you learn how to use it in your everyday life, it would help you to avoid many mistakes and troubles. Let’s call it “Unity of three.” It’s essence is in the following: every time when you are going to do or say something, you need to gather mental, causal and Divine components of your actions into one. For that imagine a certain energy “current” – how the energy of your sixth chakra...
Our Mutual Ascension (Divine Portal)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I want to finish our conversation about the atmic body. I’d like you to realize in full measure how valuable it is for you and what an important role it serves in the lives of every person who have stepped upon spiritual path. This is the “final destination” of every soul, who have finished its wondering in the 3D world. This is your Divine Portal into the world of higher vibrations. But you could finally enter this “Portal” only when your other...
Our Mutual Ascension (Traveling in subtle bodies)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I’d like to explain you in detail how the shift to other dimensions and to different time frames in subtle bodies is happening. Very important that you act CONSCIOUSLY and not spontaneously, which could lead to unwanted results. After you master the practice of unification of your subtle bodies – emotional, mental, causal, and buddhic – the next step for you would be their merging with the atmic body, which is your “magic carpet”...
Our Mutual Ascension (Divine scanner)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today we’ll continue our conversation about the atmic body and its corresponding seventh chakra. I’ll give you one more practice, which would allow you to feel them simultaneously. It would be very useful to be able to feel the vibrations and not to waste your time on reading unnecessary channelled messages and books, which now appear in the Internet in huge amounts. I see, dear ones, that for many of you it is an excessive volume of information, which for...
Our Mutual Ascension (Practice “Matryoshka”)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today we’ll continue our conversation about the atmic body and its cooperation with other subtle bodies. Unfortunately, in some people the connection with an atmic body is almost broken. It is characteristic mostly of those, who are completely submerged into the three dimensional world and whose upper chakras are in a state of sleep. It is fair to say, that in these people the connection with the Divine aspects of their souls is blocked. And such people are...
Our Mutual Ascension (Return to your sources)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I’d like to return to what I have said in my recent messages – that your connection with the subtle world is already blocked in your embryo. And now I’ll give you a practice which would help you to neutralize an alien programs implanted in you. But first, I’ll explain the mechanism of this blockage, so you could realize more clearly what you are working with. Imagine an embryo in the mother’s womb, which is connected by an unseen thread...
Our Mutual Ascension (The Golden treasury)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today we’ll speak about another important characteristic of your sixth chakra. We’ll discuss its ability to keep the very essence, a concentration, of your experiences in previous lives. And if your buddhic body keeps an entire volume of your experiences, your sixth chakra sifts through all the unnecessary parts and leaves only what you could utilize for your spiritual development. It is similar to the gold digger, who carefully searches through all the...
Our Mutual Ascension (Merging with Mother Soul)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today we’ll speak about the buddhic body, where an information about your previous lives is stored, and which is a “thread” connecting you with your Mother Soul. A person, who is capable of going back to his previous incarnations during meditations or through hypnotic regression, would understand a great deal of what’s happening to him currently, because he could follow the entire chain of cause and effect, connecting together all the events of his...
Our Mutual Ascension (Divine tuning fork)
Greetings, my dear beloved souls! Today I would like to tell you how with the help of your sixth chakra you can discern the beings of the higher astral, who very often dictate messages to the people now. It would not be possible to do for everyone, but only for those whose soul possesses a true Divine “tuning fork,” which is capable of catching false notes, that may appear as extreme sweetness, verbosity, redundancy, and sometimes very complex messages, full of technical or scientific...