LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Reptiloid collective conscience energy grid dissolution)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now, when you know the underlying reason of the events taking place on Earth we will move on to the next stage of work with them. But as you understand, so as to make physical reality change it is necessary to work at the subtle level first – in terms of energy. And this time your work will be pointwise since now you can clearly and distinctly imagine the whole power structure of your society and see all the participants of the current events. On the one...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine flame)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, now when you know that Unconditional Love is energy that lives “on its own” and does not need any “control” for your side, you can ask yourself a question: “What is my role here then?”. And it is in your becoming a part of this energy and remaining within its flow under any circumstances. Of course, it is not easy to do but there have already been offered so many practices on this issue to you that each of you can choose something to your...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (From powerlessness to new reality creation)
Greetings, my dear, beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, now we will speak about how you can transform the energy of powerlessness in the face of the situation that arose into the energy of creativity and constructive endeavor of the new reality where humanity is to live in the nearest future now. And as it has been repeatedly mentioned in my messages, while you cannot change the situation at the physical level all at once, it is quite possible for you to change it in terms...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Look from above)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us move on to the third point: how to leave the zone of shocking information impact on you so as not to imbue negative events with your energy of criticism, censure and anxiety. If you overcome this barrier as well and learn to take calmly the gravest crimes taking place on your planet, your conscience will really advance to another energy level required for Transition. So now, I will try to explain to you in the simplest possible way the...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Filter of Universe Love Flame)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us start with the way you can set an energy shield not only from the information itself but from the attitude towards it for the part of the people around. Every time before you play a video or read an article exposing the world government crimes and all the issues related to coronavirus, you should set an energy shield of the Flame of Universe Love on yourself and ask the Higher Powers of the Universe to help you take the information conveyed in a...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Your Soul’s filter)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about the so-called complex communication that I told you about in my previous message. After you have mastered it, it will be much easier for you to switch over to telepathic communication in future. And it is explained by the fact that Mind that serves as the main survival tool of the third dimension person will gradually yield to their Soul. Mind will actually be taken over by Divine conscience that will be at the same...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Complex communication)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about how you can combine telepathic communication with the usual communication – the one you got used to in the third dimension world. It is this type of communication that can become really useful to you during this transition period and help bridge the two dimensions. I would like you to learn to send people, along with high vibration energies, your light thoughts. In practice it can be as follows. Suppose, you find yourself...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Beginning of telepathic communication)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us move on to the practical issue of telepathic communication. Why do I want you to gain some skills in this now while it is quite possible for you to communicate by means of words? The thing is, my dear, that during telepathic communication you exchange information with each other in terms of energy. And this energy information exchange is of much higher value than words and, no matter how hard you try to imbue them with Divinity, still feature a...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Divine whirlpool of Love and Gratitude)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize my two previous messages dedicated to the energy component of notions fundamental for humans, which are Love and Gratitude. Why it was them that I told you about in detail? The only reason for this is that they should become the basis of human communication – without this it will be impossible to ascend to the level of development enabling you to move to the new energy space with Earth. These words, the notions they denote...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to offer you a universe meditation that you can use during all the period of entry into a new reality. Let us call it “Flying Soul”. The name itself suggests the essence of the meditation. Your Soul is coming back to its usual world – the one where it always found itself between its embodiments in the worlds of low vibrations. It is the subtle level where it would have a rest from heavy energies surrounding it in the dense worlds...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Way out of tunnel)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as you already know from my previous messages the energy “corridor” of human conscience influence has been created and maintained for centuries by the beings who seized power on your planet. It can be compared with a long endless corridor literally teeming with low vibration energies – all sorts of them imaginable. These energies collide, mix, merge together, repulse each other – in a word, they live a “full” life of powerful passions of...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (All-triumphant Flame of Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you take the notion of “revived conscience”. We have already spoken a lot about the conscience of the Fifth dimension man but I see that for many of you it still remains theoretical – an unachievable ideal. As you already know, it is mostly your still persisting habits you have been developing from incarnation to incarnation to blame and they got gradually compressed in your subconscience to make dense blocks, therefore...