Tag: Father – Absolute


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (High caste reptiloids)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the discussion of high caste reptiloids who are at the last but one step of the dark hierarchy power ladder and whose representatives are direct executors of those at the top of this pyramid’s will. Well, what is the high reptiloid caste? Many of these creatures are in public eye this time. These are royal families’ representatives, some presidents, largest global companies’ heads, financial magnates, TV channels’ owners and...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Dragon reptiles)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the subject of the Dragon reptiles that are a step down in the Dark Forces hierarchy. They are gene-modified creatures who are a symbiosis of two souls: an original – natural – dragon and a reptile one that was artificially created this time. This is absolutely unique energy structure that was developed for the purpose of exercising permanent control over those who are traditionally called “high and mighty” and who have...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (The Dragon race)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we move on to the next level of the Dark Forces hierarchy controlling your planet. The step down it is occupied by the Dragon race. And today I will tell you about it in detail. This is one of the most ancient races in the Universe that gradually changed both towards Light and towards Dark. Thus, there appeared a lot of its subtypes, and each of them has followed their way. Why did it happen? Before all, because they started to actively interact with...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the structure of power pyramid settled on Earth. It has already been said enough about Archon therefore we will move on right to the next step down the Dark Forces pyramid that is occupied by an army of Demons – true and trusted servants of Archon. Why has he fragmented himself into separate energy units? The only reason is to collect his “tribute” as negative energies in a more efficient and fruitful way. Since there...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Pyramid of power)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we move on to the talk on how disembodied low vibration creatures can influence people’s destinies by means of the countries’ heads the former live in. As a matter of fact, carefully designed mechanism of influence on people who came to power is simple to the utmost. It is based on the time-tested principle of “Divide and rule”, as well as self-importance exaggeration and the feeling of belonging to “the chosen”. And the dual world you live...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Symbolism impact on human conscience)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Before I tell you how the Dark Forces influence different countries’ governments, I would like to highlight for you the mechanism of symbolism impact on people. And now we will focus not on its physical manifestation, which is general symbols, but on the things that occur at the subtle level at the moment of these symbols being shown. As you already know, any religion has its own egregor, and the more people practise it, the more powerful the egregor...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Symbolism for show)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! For the talk about the secret “web” of “initiates” that has enveloped all your planet to be continued I would like to tell you about one more peculiarity of their interaction. And it is in that the system worked out by them allows them to recognize each other unmistakably. Being sure of their exceptionality and impunity, in the course of time they stopped hiding it from people regarding them as faceless crowd of slaves. And in recent decades there...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Mutually beneficial alliance)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you who swayed the destinies of reptiloids at the early stage of Earth’s conquest. The Dragons were perfectly aware of the fact that they would not be able to get control over the planet inhabited by Human Gods because of a huge vibration gap. Then they made it their aim to achieve at any cost that human vibrations decrease to the level at which they could influence their conscience. And to speed up the process, they decided to benefit...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Archon and the Dragons)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! So now, when you know who actually governs your world it is time to tell you in some details about the pressure tools used in all the process. As you have already understood, the center for economy and finance control and, most important, human minds control is in one place. But not in the hands of those by many considered as “masters of the world” and “owners of the planet”: they are just marionettes controlled from without by more powerful...



Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we will move on to the third means of existence extension for the reptiloids who for these or those reasons are needed by their creators on Earth being embodied. And we will talk about cloning. As I have already said in my series of messages on reptiloids and clones, cloning was commercialized on Earth long ago, with the cloning technologies being provided to earthlings by extraterrestrial civilizations with membership in the Coalition of the...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Reptiloid soul replacement)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will study the second means to extend reptiloid life in the physical body. And it consists in instilling of another soul that is more viable – a reptiloid one naturally – into an existing body. It should be mentioned, it occurs rather seldom and only in cases of barest necessity. Since unlike humans reptiloids do not possess the Free Will, everything is arranged “above” – by the initiative of their creators. In what way does it happen? The...


LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Adrenochrome)

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message, now I would like to focus on each of the means described by me that are used by the members of the world government and their henchmen to extend life keeping their power, health and even youth. So, the first means is consumption of adrenochrome. And for a start, let us look into the way it influences the reptiloid body. Of course, before all, it makes an energy impact since it features tremendous charge of creativity...

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