Greetings, our dear brothers and sisters! Today we have come to you with an important message that concerns each inhabitant of Earth. The moment is coming when there will be promulgated the information about extraterrestrial spaceships existing in the near-earth space, which will be absolutely unexpected for many inhabitants of your planet. As a matter of fact, people have been made prepared for aliens’ arrival at Earth since long ago, and it was done in quite a limpid and systematic...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today on the orthodox Easter eve I would like to summarize the recent events taking place both on Earth and at her subtle level. In spite of the fact that it seems to you there are little changes so far, the most horrible things are over now. There has occurred the very quantitative overbalance of consciences of ancient human souls that are embodied on Earth now in favour of Light. It is not noticeable so far because most of Earth’s population is still...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Rescue team)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will focus on one more aspect of interaction of the Light Forces and the Dark ones. And this time we will talk about the way the Light Forces help stray souls that got stuck in the astral to ascend to a higher level of the subtle world. Sometimes human souls that left the physical level cannot break free from the astral captivity for a long time since at the death their vibrations were too low. But if Maternal Soul sees that its particle has the...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Communication corridor of Light)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, we go on talking about the interaction of the Light and the Dark Forces at the subtle level of Earth. And today we will talk about the way the Light Forces manage to “get through” the astral layers to reach people. So as to get a better idea of mechanism of the Light Forces’ influence on the beings inhabiting the subtle level of your planet, you can imagine the globe encircled by a ring of dark energies. This is the very “dirty film” that was...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Freedom of choice)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way the Light Forces interact with the Dark Forces, which is not rare to happen at the subtle level of your planet. As a matter of fact, there is no struggle between them as you are accustomed to think. To be exact, they are at different levels of existence – each being at their own energy space. And confrontation between them occurs only in some critical cases when it is necessary to restore the balance upset or, in other...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Getting rid of unwelcomed guests)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to offer you one really efficient practice to get rid of the astral instilled lodgers in your energy space and to keep it clean ever since. Now it becomes a must for everyone who embarked on the road of Ascension – a guarantee for your being able to maintain your vibrations at the level facilitating your Transition. It is astral beings who are the very “field employees” that block up your way to freedom but they act at the subtle...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Obsessed by desire)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to highlight some more important aspects of your interaction with the Light Forces. Many of you can be so obsessed by the desire to establish contact with your Higher aspects and the Light Forces’ representatives that you try to artificially encourage this process. As a result, people fall victims to many traps skillfully set by the Dark Forces, which leads to regretful consequences indeed. Having relied on dubious “masters”,...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Signs of communication with Light Forces)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up for my previous message I will tell you now about main signs you can rely on to make sure that you are really “spoken” to by the Light Forces, not somebody else. First. These or those feelings appear at your upper chakras and pineal gland. Some people’s third eye may start pulsing or you can simply feel it. Also, all your “Golden triangle” can start pulsing – the seventh, the sixth chakras and the pineal gland or you can feel them...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Communication on equal terms)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the way your interaction with the Light Forces occurs and what can be the sign of your having managed to contact them. I know that now many of you are trying to “talk” to your Higher Self, Safeguard Angel, to some of the Ascended Masters and even to me. You are eager to gain the long-awaited Unity with the Light Forces and establish communication with them so much. And the fact that you rush things often throws you back. The...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Towards God with no intermediaries)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the relationships between people and the Light Forces. And now I would like to focus on one more aspect of these relationships – financial one. Since you live in a material – third dimension – world, even your liaison with the Higher Powers has become an object of commodity-money relations. For any “service” for the side of God or Saints they started to charge fees. Church gathers tribute from its congregation for...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Relationships of man and Light Forces)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your attitude towards the Light Forces: the way many of you imagine them and what you expect from them. For many thousands of years it was worship of somebody high and inconceivable and invoking them for help. And it is explained by the fact that any religion and even heathenism presented everything invisible to people, and consequently obscure, as some kind of mysterious knowledge available only to initiates. All the religions are...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy “spring cleaning”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about one more kind of work that the Light Forces carry out at present on Earth. And it is in cleansing your planet from all the energy “dirt” accumulated here for thousands of years as negative emotions generated by her inhabitants. The thing is that, even going “en route” to those who provoked these human low vibration energies – Archon and his “servants” – some of these energies, nevertheless, got accumulated at the...