Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about how your life can change still in the third dimension world if you are guided in it by your Soul’s voice only. Here is the second tip I would like to give you. To help you get rid of the fear for the unknown that is so typical for a human and that makes them live by inertia even if they are deeply unhappy, I will give you one practice now. We will call it “Live pictures”. Having invoke all your Heavenly patrons and...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (How not to become outcast)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you how intuition can change your life. As you already know, Intuition is Soul’s voice. And if you learn to live listening only to its voice, not the things whispered in by your Mind, Ego, habits or fear for the unknown, your life can really change drastically. But, unfortunately, while you are still living in the third dimension world, you should expect life in consistence with your Soul will not be much approved of by your family who...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Energy mechanism of intuition manifestation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on speaking about your intuition but will consider it from a different angle. I will tell you about its manifestation energy mechanism. As I have repeatedly told you, now, at the final stage of Earth Transition into the Fifth dimension each pure ancient Soul embodied on Earth in order to fulfill this Transition is patronized by all the Higher Powers of the Universe. These Souls are supplied with every possible help and clues so as to prevent...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let us go on talking about how you can learn to use your Divine sense organs in your everyday life. Many of you are likely to remember your own examples when instant enlightenments of your conscience, in other words, your intuition guided you the right way enabling you to make the best decision at that moment. There are other examples as well, when you managed to “catch” these Divine flashes of your conscience but then your Mind, “sensible”...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Intuition is main “compass” in life)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we start a new topic and it will concern development of your intuition. While up till now you have spontaneously had rare insights as bright enlightenments of conscience, this time you are going to learn to use your Divine tools intently. From now on intuition – your Divine vision – should become your main compass in life. It is intuition that will help you learn to use your subtle sense organs in practice. But everything should be carried out...
Greetings, our dear earthlings! I am here again as assigned by the Galaxy Light Federation. This time I would like to tell you in more details about the current events on Earth since we, unlike you, see the whole picture – both at the physical and energy levels. Before all, I would like to share the joy of the fact that in different countries there are more and more people who are not afraid to tell the truth. They are journalists, doctors, spiritual leaders and even politicians who are...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Cutaneous covering of Fifth dimension human)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my yesterday’s message on the energy structure of the new Fifth dimension human body to be continued, today we will speak about its outer layer – skin. Human skin is the physical body well-being indicator. It reflects all the physical and psychological processes taking place in it. When a person is in a balanced and blessed state really loving themselves and all the people around, their skin, as a rule, is clean, smooth and shining. While, for...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about the energy construction of the new Fifth dimension human body. Another component of its after bone carcase and blood and lymph systems is muscle tissue. It is exactly the most flexible and adaptable substance that in future will enable you to change the configuration of your body by the power of thought. So, how can you help your body rarefy its muscle tissue as much as possible? In addition to the practices you were given...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Fifth dimension human lymph and blood)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on discussing the Fifth dimension human body energy construction. As I have already mentioned, bone carcase remains the densest – “material” part of your new body, it will also change its energy structure though. And this time I will tell you how “liquid” component of your body – lymph and blood – will change. As you already know, a human being is closely connected with the Element of Water, since it is liquid that their body...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Fifth dimension human body energy construction)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about energy construction of the Fifth dimension human body in more detail. So far there are almost no humans on Earth whose physical body has been completely transformed into the light crystalline one, but there some people who are already close to it. Therefore, it is essential for you to know what your new body should be. It will enable you to “build” it up in a conscious way, to learn to see and feel the energy and subtle...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (How to keep one’s channel pure)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the niceties of channeling from the Forces of Light, I will give you some tips on how to keep your channel pure that is to prevent astral beings from intruding into it. First. If you have had your channel opened, do not hurry to share this joy with people. It is of extreme importance, my dear ones, since communication with the Forces of Light is a subtle sacred process that gains in efficiency gradually. So, until you gain certain...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about substitution of the Higher Powers messages with information communicated by astral beings, and I will tell you in detail how it occurs in practice. As it was said in my recent message, to decode the information energy package received from the subtle level there joins in the fifth chakra through which the information channeled is communicated to the outer world. But the fifth chakra is exactly the level that upper astral...