Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk about the current events taking place on your planet. I see, my dear, that your patience is failing since the agony of Dark’s henchmen on Earth is being delayed and sometimes it seems to you that they are winning. Actually, it is no so. The things now in progress on the planet Earth have no analogues in the Universe. While change of epochs used to be realized either by global cataclysms that wiped off Earth entire continents with...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the obstacles and reefs awaiting you on the way to Ascension. One of them is your inertness. I know that many of you try to put into practice as often as possible the knowledge and meditations that you got. But there are a lot more people who confine themselves just to reading the messages accepting them with all their hearts and souls but then in the daily round they forget about their practical application. It is actually...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (He that lies down with dogs…)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to touch upon the issue of your attitude to other people’s opinion, no matter who it comes from: the mass media, the people you respect or your family. This is exactly the thing that becomes a stumbling stone for many on their spiritual way. I know that most light souls that have embarked on the road of Ascension rejected the official mass media long ago realizing all the falsity and bias of theirs, yet, along with this they find...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Get caught, fish, small and big)
Greetings, my dear children! Today we will go on talking about the main preconditions for your planet’s Transition to the Fifth dimension. And today we will talk about the things that prevent it at the physical level since, as you already know, at the subtle level the Light Forces have already won ultimately over the Dark Forces. The main obstacle remains the Dark Forces’ hierarchy structure that was created by analogue with the structure alike at the subtle level, which was spoken about in...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Accepting new reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to a new topic that concerns not Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension but preconditions for it, that is, the requisites that will encourage its prompt realization. We have already talked a lot with you about the fact that Transition will occur not instantaneously but almost unnoticeably for those who are ready for it. It is accounted for by the fact that, before all, Transition will be made by your conscience and following it...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (New space-time parameters characteristics)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a round-up to our talk about new space-time parameters that are gradually getting their ground, I would like to remind you today of their most important characteristics. First. Space and Time slow but sure are losing their linearity typical of the third dimension world. Second. Being inseparable they are constantly interacting with each other. Third. Getting into one’s energy field they adapt to one changing their vibration frequency. Fourth. The...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Interaction of Time and Space with high dimension beings)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about interaction of the energies of Time and Space with the creatures living in the worlds of high dimensions. As you have already understood from previous messages, this interaction shows in Time and Space being the reflection of these dimensions’ inhabitants’ conscience. The higher vibrations of this or that creature are, the more apparently it shows. And the reason is as follows. While an individual living in the third dimension...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress from our topic and talk about the latest events now taking place on Earth. As you see, my dear, protest actions in many countries of the world assume effective character this time. And it is explained by the fact that even people far from the issue of Ascension begin to understand they have fallen into a trap. They have made sure by their own experience that all the promises of officials and all their orders and instructions are...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Travelling through space and time)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about space and time and will look into another aspect of it. Space in its global meaning is cosmos, infinite and unlimited. Just as there is no time in higher dimensions, there is no space as such there either, the one you are used to in the third dimension world, to be exact. In these high vibration worlds space is void and at the same time all-embracing infinity, which your conscience cannot accept so far that is used to...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Conscience of space)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the way space will be transforming in higher dimensions. As you already know, high vibrations encourage matter becoming less dense. So, due to this your light crystalline bodies, for example, will be able to take any shape given by your conscience. The same will happen to space that will be contracting or becoming less dense depending on your reaction to it. It will follow your thoughts and intentions. Now it is hard for you...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Space-time parameters of Fifth dimension)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about physical parameters transformation of your existence in the Fifth dimension space. Why did we start this talk with the Energy of Time? Only because this energy is most apparently shown at the physical level, that is, you can easily trace the changes that occur to it. As for space, in higher dimensions it also changes its parameters, yet, it shows less apparently for you. Still, it happens, too. For a start, it should be...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Joint deliverance)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the Energy of Time on a global scale – the way it is changing due to the new energies arriving at Earth now. Perhaps, many of you have noticed that now time is not even flying for you but whirling away and it is actually true. Why does it happen? First of all, because this is how it is leaving the third dimension matrix and getting rid of linearity, just as you are, it is coming back Home. The thing is that finding itself in the...