LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Inner state of man)
Greetings, my ear beloved children! Today we move on to another topic that concerns your transition to a new level of your inner state rather than Earth’s Transition to the Fifth dimension. Why is it inner state of man that I lay special emphasis on this time? The thing is that unlike conscience it comprises a lot of elements and we will consider each of them little by little. But first, I would like to give a more general definition of inner state of man. Briefly, it is a totality of factors...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Galaxy collaboration)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of a new world system on the Earth of the Fifth dimension, I would like to focus on one more its aspect. We will talk about your cooperation with the Galaxy family. Same as earthly boundaries between different countries will start ceasing, so will the invisible borders between different worlds of your Galaxy. Yet, it will happen step by step in a carefully meted way since most people’s conscience is not ready for this...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Planetary Council of Elders)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message is some kind of revision of the things studied and we will again talk about state system on the new Earth but this time will dwell on it from a universe point of view. In the world of the Fifth dimension there will be in progress the very “globalization” that is widely spoken about now but it will be a complete opposite of what is contrived by the deep state. In the new society there will occur the Divine process of Uniting of people...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Burnt bridges)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will digress from the topic of building a new society on the Earth of the Fifth dimension and will talk about your last steps in the third dimension world. I see that many of you start exaggerating and painting all your previous life black. Of course, we talked a lot about injustice of the modern society, its spiritual impoverishment, the mentality and behaviour patterns imposed on you. All this really exists and in recent years it has just got...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Learning game)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to continue talking about the children who are to grow during this hard period of Earth’s Transition to a new dimension. Now, at the junction of two epochs there will be in progress not only people’s conscience breaking but that of the whole education system as well since the old one will not be able to exist on the new Earth, while the new one has not been formed yet. Therefore, so as to save child’s psyche from inconsistence...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Future generation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of the role you assume on the Earth of the Fifth dimension, today I would like to talk about your children since it is them who are to build new life on your planet in consistence with new principles this time. Education and bringing up of crystal children that come to Earth now require quite a different approach. And today I would like to draw attention to the role played by parents in these children’s personality maturity...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Talent to be man)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! For my previous message to be continued, today I would like to consider one more aspect of such a notion as “calling”. What does it mean from a universe – Divine – point of view? Calling is the call of man’s Soul. Unfortunately, in the third dimension world few manage to hear their Soul. And the reasons are numerous. We have already talked a lot that one is literally from childhood is guided by one’s parents and grandparents, kindergarten...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now, when I have described the outlines of the social system on the Earth of the Fifth dimension, we can move on to the next topic. And we will talk about how you can understand your calling so that your life gets a full-fledged creative component. Why have I initiated this talk just now when many of you have to survive in difficult conditions of the third dimension world and, moreover, to experience pressure from your close people to whom you seem...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Wind sovereigns)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message, we will move on to the practices that will help you to maintain peace of mind even while communicating with your relatives who are in vibration “categories” other than yours. We will call the first practice “Squally wind”. And it is in that, when your close people start again to stir up a hailstorm of attacks about your being “inadequate”, “sectarian”, “insane” – in a word, your abnormality...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Dear “enemies”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to touch upon the topic that will be a little unexpected to you. And what will be at issue is your attitude towards the so-called “enemies”. In this case I do not mean the global scale criminals but your immediate environment. Why have I made up my mind to talk about this? Before all, because it is them who are the source of permanent annoyance for you and, consequently, the main “simulator” or, in other words, your spiritual...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Political system of the Fifth dimension Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what the Fifth dimension Earth’s political system will be like. But first, let us see what does the word “politics” means. It derives from the Greek word “city, state” and in its original meaning it implied “city arrangement” or “state arrangement”. This is the meaning that the politics of the higher dimensions worlds is focused on. What about the Council of Elders? This is a political body that coordinates...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (New financial system)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about how social stratification boundaries will disappear in the world of the Fifth dimension. Of course, it will not happen all of a sudden, and it will be initiated by a new financial system that will take over a really usurious bank system enabling a small group of magnates to make profit thanks to savings of millions of people. The foundation of a new financial system will be laid by the principles of equal exchange and equal...