LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Earth vibrations increase)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider the third and the fourth points that determine the objective reality of Ascension. And what is meant is steady increase in Earth’s vibrations and her inhabitants’ ability to meet these vibrations. But in the beginning, I would like to explain to you what your planet’s vibrations increase depends on and why this process is objective reality. As a matter of fact, at present Earth is entering, has almost entered to be precise, a new...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy component of Earth)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider the second factor that determines the objective reality of Ascension. And at issue will be the energy component of your planet. As you already know, her vibrations are increasing with every single day which is recorded by your scientists who observe the magnet field of Earth. And even though the mainstream media stay obstinately silent about this, the information still filters into society. But the main thing is that the people who...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I would like to focus on the first point that determines the objective reality in terms of your planet’s Transition to another stage of its development. The thing at issue is cyclicity typical of evolutional development of all the celestial bodies in the Universe. And your Earth is no exception. Cyclicity includes a lot of minor and major time periods – from several years to several millennia. Generally...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Objective reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to a new topic that can roughly be called “Objective reality”. It includes a lot of aspects at all the levels of existence. And we will start with the very notion of it. Well, what is objective reality? It is what exists beyond your perception frames and, consequently, is out of your control. So now we will try to dwell on it. You have repeatedly heard from me and a lot of the Light Forces representatives that you can “create your...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Plan of individual development)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize the series of my messages targeted at those who is just “plunging” into the issue of Ascension and start to get rid of the duality chains. The aim of these messages was to provide you with a guiding star that will allow the people who embarked on the course of spiritual development not to get lost in the “labyrinth” of esoteric knowledge but start with the main thing from the very beginning – the one that will help...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Untouchable)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, if you are really in the third group of people that was said about in my previous message, it is within your depth to overcome all the obstacles you get on the way to Ascension. And, before all, it is because you think about your planet’s destiny and humanity in general rather than about yourself. And this is what makes a huge difference between you and those people who care about themselves and their family only. Your conscience has already left the...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Freedom from third dimension matrix influence)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we move on to the last seventh point of your Plan on prompt leaving of the third dimension matrix and acquiring the vibrations necessary for Transition. And it is in that you learn to resist any influence directed at you both for the side of authorities and anyone whose conscience is under control of the third dimension world and is totally ruled by the current system. Nowadays on your planet there is in progress shocking separation of people not only...
Greetings, our dear earthlings! We have decided to come to you again since we see that events on your planet are taking a swift course now. In respect of this we would like to give you some tips so that you do not stumble at the very last minute but bring the matter to a head. In due course the similar events took place in our civilization as well. The wise and freedom-loving part of the Orion constellation’s inhabitants rebelled against the ruling top that complete seized power and was...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! My today’s message will be dedicated to the latest events on your planet. Here has come, my dear, the very crucial moment that is to decide the fate of your planet. As it has already been said in my messages more than once, it is essential that people get the taste of their own victory, not the one introduced from without whoever it may be. It is the only way they can start creating a new life in the agreement with their own ideals – the ones that have...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Creating Fifth dimension space around oneself)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we move on to the sixth point of your Plan on self-realization and spiritual development. Now you are to learn to create the space of the Fifth dimension around yourself physically still living in the third one. If you manage to cover successfully the previous points of your Plan, it can be said you are on your way to this now. So this time you will only have to consolidate the results of your work at yourself so as to maintain your vibrations at the...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Rearrangement of life priorities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! The fifth point of your Plan on the fast leaving of the third dimension matrix can become the rearrangement of life priorities. What do I mean by this expression? Before all, it is reconsideration of what is really important in your life and what you can throw away out of it with no regret thereby freeing your thoughts and making time for spiritual work at yourself. As far as time is concerned, I think everything is clear, but it is quite hard to free your...
LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Inner energy influence signs)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the influence on your energy space produced by your own inner traits. Perhaps, many of you have noticed that no matter how powerful the protective shield that you set over yourself is sometimes it does not work. And most often the reason is that your negative emotions and third dimension world programmes break it through from inside. So, now it is you who become the cause of your vibrations’ decrease. Unfortunately, not...