Ascension in Action (Renewal of the lower chakras)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll speak about the cooperation of your lower chakras – from the first to third, and I’ll give you a practice, which will help you to raise their vibrations to the level of your fourth chakra. Now that you know what functions they will carry when you’ll enter the 5D reality, it would be easier for you to imagine these chakras in the new quality. The first thing that you need to do – is to rarefy them in your mind. For that, you...
Ascension in Action (Third chakra)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll speak about your third chakra – about the changes that are going to happen with it during the time of Shift from 3D to 5D. First of all, you must remember that this chakra is responsible for your self-realization, which means it is responsible for your actions. And now, when the Earth and you are being filled with the energies of the higher vibrations, this chakra is starting to transform and thanks to that your self-realization is taking...
Ascension in Action (Second chakra)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll speak about our second chakra and about the changes it undergoes in this period of the Shift from 3D to 5D. In the 3D world, this chakra is a sexual center in the chakra system, but in the process of raising your vibrations it will gradually transform into depository of the feminine and masculine principles, containing all its components. Because a purely sexual attraction, characteristic of many people in the world of 3D, cannot exist in the...
Ascension in Action (Immersion into the new reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to speak with you about the first three chakras, which for many of the 3D people are the main chakras, leading them through life, because they are the ones that are responsible for connection with the material world and everything related to it. But what’s happening with these chakras with the people, whose consciousness was raised to the level of 4D and sometimes even to 5D, but who still stay physically in the world of 3D? They will...
Ascension in Action (Let’s hold each other’s hands, my friends)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my yesterday’s message, I’d like to give you an expanded version of the practice “Magnet of Love,” so you could realize how great and multifaceted it is. For that, let’s try to imagine a great number of people, who already possess a sufficient amount of the higher vibrational energy and are able to expand their subtle bodies to the great spaces around them. Subtle bodies of such people, filled with the energies of Love, meet,...
Ascension in Action (Magnet of Love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move to the new practice, the goal of which is harmonization of space. And if in the previous practices, you have focused primarily on the filling of space with the energies of Light and Love, now you would act upon the space around you with your own energy field. Of course, we are speaking about those of you, who have already purified their subtle fields and harmonized them completely. You yourselves, dear ones, are becoming the source of...
Ascension in Action (Chakra system of the Divine man)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! To conclude our conversation about the chakra system, I will tell about its another characteristic. But let’s return to what have been said in the previous message – about the rightful place of the chakra system in the mental body. Of course, dear ones, it is not by chance that our heart chakra, which had initially existed in the mental body, is placed exactly in the middle of your seven bodies. It can be explained by the fact that your first...
Ascension in Action (Changes in the chakra system)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we’ll continue our conversation about an integration of your bodies, but will look at it from a different angle. For complete harmonization of your bodies, an axis of the chakra system must change its location. Now it has to be located not in the etheric, but in the mental body. This movement cannot happen immediately, but requires your long painstaking work. Why is it so important? It is because your chakra system is the Divine instrument of control...
Ascension in Action (Integration of your bodies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today’s message is very important because we’ll be talking about an integration of all your bodies. If you learn how to do that, your chakra system would be in complete harmony and will reach a new Divine level, because the chakras would stay simultaneously in all your bodies and not only in etheric. To begin with, imagine yourself as a silhouette with the axis in the center, where all your chakras are located. Let’s observe it carefully. They are...
Ascension in Action (Correcting mistakes)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to speak with you on the following subject: what is preventing many of you from mastering your subtle sensory bodies, which means connecting with your Divine aspects. First of all, it is your disbelief in yourself. It seems to you that you are not ready yet, that you have not grown enough for that, that it could be accomplished by someone else – who is more spiritual. This disbelief has become “ingrown” within you. It is extended...
Ascension in Action (Pituitary gland)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I’d like to tell you about the role played by the pituitary gland in the lives of the people. Perhaps, it is the most important of all sensory organs, because it absorbs within itself the qualities of the sixth and seventh chakras, and not only absorbs but strengthens it greatly. Your “third eye,” crown chakra and pituitary gland form some Divine triangle, which in the case of the activation of all three components becomes the most powerful...
News from the Galactic Federation of Light (June 2, 2018)
Greetings, my dear earthlings! Today I am instructed to give you a message from the GFL. A very crucial moment of your Shift is approaching, when not only your life but the lives of many people around you will depend upon each person, who realize what’s happening on your planet. What’s happening in Hawaii now is just a first wave of the destructive natural cataclysms. Soon, massive awakening of the volcanoes will start all over Earth. It is difficult for the planet to suppress in its bowels...