WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Earth and Heavens)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And now we will talk about the Element of Earth that also influences human communication to a large extent. But unlike other Natural Elements, it has more to do with the notion of the spiritual component of your communication. And it is reflected in your language too. Recall such expressions as “earthly man”, “down-to-earth thoughts”, “worldly talks”. They highlight one’s attitude to life. And in this case the meaning of the word “earthly”...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Flaming speech)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about the role played in human communication by the Element of Fire. Recall such expressions as “flaming speech”, “passionate confessions”, “heated arguments”, “flare up”… All of them are reflection of the Element of Fire that directly influences your speech. When people are talking on an interesting issue and are getting more and more “inflamed” with the common topic, its discussion sometimes results in the very...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Like a full-flowing river)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to draw your attention to one more peculiarity of human relations in the world of the fourth dimension. And it is in that they are abandoned by annoyance towards others. You cannot deny that this is what most often happens in the third dimension world when it seems to you that someone’s behaviour or their words do not live up to your expectations and annoyance little by little starts arising in you. Well, what is the difference between...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Tolerance to others’ opinion)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the qualities of the humans who moved to the fourth dimension that facilitate advancing to a new level of communication with the people around. Their third difference from the third dimension world people is tolerance. As a matter of fact, it is a very rare quality that features by far the highest vibrations. In the dual world it is worth its weight in gold since there one most often tries to communicate one’s opinion to...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Fourth dimension world man qualities)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to the discussion on One social status of the fourth dimension world inhabitants today I would like to show you the interaction mechanism of the people who managed to cross the border line separating this dimension from the third dimension world. As a matter of fact, many of you possess the qualities that make inhabitants of higher dimensions distinct from the third dimension world already now. Well, what qualities are they? First of all, they...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (In one social status)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about social status of a new world man from the energy point of view. And again let us turn to comparison of the third and fourth dimensions worlds. As you know, in the third dimension world the ruling top is usually reached by the people of certain traits or having personal contacts in “high” circles. Well, what traits are they? Before all, it is ambition that breeds a whole set of negative qualities – such as false pride,...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (New social status)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! After we have dwelled on all the twists and turns of energy work, I would like to move on to a new topic that is closely connected with it. And this time at issue will be your new social status. It actually features a specific energy component. We have already talked a lot about a hierarchy structure of the third dimension world and social stratification of society. All this has been created for centuries and was meant to set such a system of government on...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Do not stop at what has been accomplished)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And the last thing that I would like to draw your attention to in terms of energy work. Never stop at what has been accomplished since as long as you find yourselves in the third dimension world, you will take durability exams over and over again. I know that many of you having done, for example, practices to get rid of fear, offence or guilt several times, think they have worked through these negative emotions completely. And your conscience is likely to...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Incited by Soul, not forced)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! There is also one more nuance of energy work that I would like to talk to you about today. I know that many of you out of the best intentions have turned your energy work into some kind of a duty. You try to do the meditation you planned by all means, and if for some reasons you fail to do it, you get upset and feel guilty scolding yourselves for lack of organization and carelessness. As a matter of fact, my dear, everything done in bounden duty even if...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to come back to the current situation on Earth and consider it from the perspective of the recent political events. As you see, the actions of authorities in respect of people start getting back on them as a “boomerang”. Disorders are spreading over an increasing number of countries and this time it will be impossible to stem them as before. This time such vital needs of people as electricity supply, heating and foodstuffs are...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Preparation for energy work on global scale)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today we will focus on one more component of energy work that is of great importance but not taken into consideration by many of you. And at issue will be your emotional condition before you start this or that practice or meditation. You should be perfectly aware that before you start working at, for example, collective human conscience or the planet in general, you should become the “etalon” of energy purity...
ДалееWINDOW ON NEW WORLD (New level of energy work)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the nuances of energy work that can deplete the efficiency of the practices and meditations you do. This knowledge is of special importance now when, with your own vibrations increasing, as well as those of Earth, your energy work advances to quite a different level now. What is the main thing that prevents doing valid and efficient energy practices? Of course, it is lack of self-confidence. I see that some of you despite doing...