WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Immature minds)

window-on-new-world-immature-mindsGreetings, my dear beloved children!

So as to round up with the issue of globalization that has spread over almost all aspects of your life, I would like to remind you of its one more peculiarity.

And it is in that they count the success of its implementation on the young generation.

Being perfectly aware that the people with well-developed views are much harder to “be converted to their religion” based on the moral and material values unnatural for humans, they vehemently attack the immature mind of children with these “values”.

Knowing that Earth is quickly and irreversibly changing her energy parameters that reptiloids and those of their elk are not to survive any more, they catch at a straw of children in an attempt to decrease their pure Divine energy as much as possible.

These perverts who have stemmed millions of children’s lives are now trying to influence children’s soul on a global scale instilling their pernicious ideas into books for children, pupil’s books, toys, cartoons – in a word, into the whole entertaining and educational industry for children.

And this avalanche of filth and lust is burying under itself everything good, kind and pure at an incredible speed – the things that have cultivated love and respect, romantic dreams and noble impulses in one since childhood.

Everywhere and in a full-scale manner there are being ruined the male and female origins, family traditions, with all life priorities being shifted and personal satisfaction and material wealth being regarded as those of paramount importance.

A whole generation of young people has already become slaves of this soulless system of consumption blindly following the life style that was imposed on them from without.

But now the things have gone too far and the present-day steps desperately taken by the world government lead to total degeneration of the human race.

It is especially true about the most “developed” countries that are ruled by the marionettes of the deep state who are executing their orders blindly and submissively.

It is them who set the tone for all the countries dependent on them, too spreading this terrible “virus” of dehumanization on.

That is why, my dear, you should pay by far the closest attention to protection of your children and grandchildren.

Do not let their education and upbringing run their course.

Do not give them away to somebody else’s hands.

Carefully check what they watch, read and play.

Protect their souls from the “sticky web” of filth and lust that many books, films, toys and even children’s course books are impregnated with.

Do not ignore their friends either so as to know what your child’s breath of life is and who they communicate with.

Become the closest and most reliable friend for your child so that they trust you completely and unburden their heart to you, not someone strange.

All this is also part of your opposition to the deep state with its attempts to take over your children’s souls and ruin their Divine essence.

Always remember about it, my dear!

I bless you and love you immensely!

Father-Absolute spoke to you

Channeled by Marta on December 1, 2022.

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