The Second Coming of Christ (The New Reality)

the-second-coming-of-christ-the-new-realityGreetings, my dear beloved children!

So, Yeshua and Mary set out on their return journey.

The whole time they were feeling as if they were not alone, that the Higher Powers were with them, leading them by the hand, arranging everything for them in a wonderful way.

They quickly found a caravan, with which they crossed the whole of India and moved further towards the Jewish lands.

The journey took several months. During this time, they were able to develop their abilities, imbedded in them by the citizens of Agartha, even more.

They learned to live in the third dimension anew. Now, it appeared to them as a theater stage, on which dramas and comedies were played, where people displayed their lowest and highest qualities, where the eternal battle between the good and the evil was waged…

Yeshua and Mary could see everything in its unconcealed form, as if reading the thoughts and emotions of people, glancing into the most hidden corners of their souls.

This happened involuntary – not because they wanted to, but because the souls of people became “transparent” to them.

But the most surprising thing was that even the lowest human emotions and most devious deeds did not elicit indignation, condemnation or aggression from them…

They were able to see the causes of these acts, penetrating into the very essence of this endless “play” on the stages of the three-dimensional world, where every Soul has its own task, its own role, its own line of work, which their souls had chosen before coming to Earth.

Yeshua and Mary were sending their Unconditional and Unlimited Love to each person they met, regardless of whether they were good or bad, rich or poor, sick or healthy, generous or greedy…

They realized that they had “outgrown” the garments of the dual world; that they already lived in another space, where there was no division between people, and therefore no evaluation or judgment of people and their actions.

They needed to get used to these new feelings and sensations and to learn how to live in such a way as to naturally and harmoniously fit into this already alien to them dual life.

And this long trip was very helpful for them, because it allowed them to slowly and calmly get used to this new reality, and to develop the inner habit of hiding the fact that they see through people, because they were not ready for that.

They could not allow themselves to break the rules of the game, to rewrite the script, that these Souls had chosen, they could not invade the emotional and mental spaces of strangers.

They could only be outside observers, benevolent spectators.

But, on the other hand, they also had to prepare their own “scenario” of the Divine “play,” for which they came to Earth, descending from the heights of the eighth-dimension to this three-dimensional world to help humanity to ascend at least one step higher…

And they decided to start by constantly filling the space around them with the Divine Light and Love and observing how people react to it.

There were many unexpected surprises waiting for them, both disappointing and pleasant ones. The actions of the people caught in the Divine streams were sometimes unpredictable, as they could not understand or explain their souls’ impulses.

It was similar to how people dive into the water – some go to the bottom like a stone and others float to the surface and rock on the waves, spreading arms with bliss.

That is how Yeshua and Mary gradually learned their first lessons on Earth in their new quality of God-Men.

Father-Absolute and Mother of the Universe, who love you without measure, spoke with you

Channeled by Marta on October 12, 2017

Обсуждение: есть 1 комментарий

  1. Raisa says:

    Thank you Marta And Edward for the great and touching story!!!


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