Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let us go on talking about how you can learn to use your Divine sense organs in your everyday life. Many of you are likely to remember your own examples when instant enlightenments of your conscience, in other words, your intuition guided you the right way enabling you to make the best decision at that moment. There are other examples as well, when you managed to “catch” these Divine flashes of your conscience but then your Mind, “sensible”...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on speaking about the energy construction of the new Fifth dimension human body. Another component of its after bone carcase and blood and lymph systems is muscle tissue. It is exactly the most flexible and adaptable substance that in future will enable you to change the configuration of your body by the power of thought. So, how can you help your body rarefy its muscle tissue as much as possible? In addition to the practices you were given...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Fifth dimension human body energy construction)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you about energy construction of the Fifth dimension human body in more detail. So far there are almost no humans on Earth whose physical body has been completely transformed into the light crystalline one, but there some people who are already close to it. Therefore, it is essential for you to know what your new body should be. It will enable you to “build” it up in a conscious way, to learn to see and feel the energy and subtle...
Greetings, my dear children! Today I would like to make my previous message complete and tell you how you can neutralize the chips and nanoparticles you already have in your body. I will give you the practice that will enable you to deactivate them to a full extent. The main idea of it consists in rendering harmless the alien objects implanted into your body by means of the Divine Energy of the highest vibrations. Why have I decided to tell you about it just today? I see the confusion and...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Second step of third eye activation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will move on to the second step of your third eye activation. So, this time you will have to learn not just feel it, which was spoken about in my previous message, but intentionally influence your conscience and your crystalline body by means of it. From now on during all your practices and meditations alongside with the Higher Powers you are used to addressing to, invoke your third eye for help as well. Always keep in mind that it is a Portal...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to give you a meditation that will help you to trigger activation process of your third eye. The process will be carried out in three steps. The first step consists in maintaining stable vibrations of your sixth chakra, which will enable you to “half-open” your third eye lid. At this stage you should learn to feel you third eye permanently and at any moment. You certainly cannot be concentrated on it all the time when you are busy with...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! The thing I am going to tell you about today is more of a self-development issue but if you manage to master this practice to a full extent it will make a tremendous contribution to the whole treasury of collective human conscience as well. It is high time to instil a new programme into it that will maintain not human Ego but their Divine Soul, the one that will lead them to the Fifth dimension. Perhaps, many of you have already realized that sometimes good...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to help you make some corrections in your light work, so that it keeps up with the swiftly changing realities of your life. Many of you are likely to have understood by now that having failed to achieve the expected result straight away current masters of Earth are taking more and more severe measures aimed at restricting human freedom of travel as much as possible. But what is more dangerous is that they restrict their freedom of mind...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now, when death agony of reptiloids who seized power on Earth and the chaos resulted from this have reached its climax I would like to ask you to do the meditation on the disconnection of collective human conscience from collective reptiloid conscience every day. Let us call it “Deliverance from slavery” For this you should invoke ALL the Higher Powers of the Universe, ALL your Galaxy siblings, your Star family, ALL Higher aspects of your Soul and plunge...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Now we will talk about how you can strengthen the energy unit of the created light crystalline body of yours that has embraced your five chakras and the subtle bodies corresponding to them. At the subtle level it looks like this. All your lower chakras have acquired the same volume, as well as your subtle bodies. And it is accounted for by the fact that they have the same vibration frequency and a single basis – light crystals. Though in appearance you...
TRANSITION TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION (Protective sphere of love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will consider one more important aspect of human physical body transformation into the light crystalline one. And it has to do with its opportunity to exist simultaneously in two worlds – the third dimension and the Fifth dimension one. While the conscience of a person embarked on the path of Ascension has already adjusted to the vibration fluctuations that are so wide and has worked the means of protection against negative energies of the dual...
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about your attitude to your nearest and dearest whose conscience and physical bodies unlike yours are still totally within the power of the third dimension world. How can you harmonize relationships in your family when stratification according to vibration frequency among all the family members is drastically gaining in scale? We have talked a lot about the fact that only energy influence can be useful in this case since for a person who...