WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (From collectivism to conciliarism)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the qualities gained by you in the third dimension world that you are to develop on the new Earth of the Fifth dimension. And this time at issue will be the collectivism typical of humans that in the worlds of higher vibrations is rather represented as conciliarism. What makes the former different from the latter one? In the third dimension world a collective has to do with a community of people who are united according to...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Participation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about one more peculiarity typical of the third dimension world people that can be of help to you on the Earth of the Fifth dimension. And at issue will be participation in another person’s life. What does this word imply? Before all, the ability to understand another person, get into their shoes and provide them with some feasible help. Of course, such quality is characteristic of not everyone but only those of profound...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Interest in unknown)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about what else can be valuable to be taken by you from the third dimension world. And this is your interest in everything unknown. As a matter of fact, it is a quality of great value that is typical of children but, unfortunately, in a lot of cases it becomes dull as long as they grow older. Few manage to keep children’s world perception till the end of life. And it is accounted for not only by the burden of everyday routine that rests...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Ability to love)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the most important human quality that in the world of the third dimension, unfortunately, is typical of not everybody or, to be exact, this notion has been so perverted that it has attained quite another meaning. And at issue will be the ability to love. What Love in its Divine aspect is has been said about more than once in my messages the gist of which was that only Unconditional Love is true and, consequently, of high...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! It has been long ago since I talked to you and it had to do with the fact that at Earth were arriving powerful energies of rather masculine kind aimed at destruction of the third dimension matrix, the one that caused so much human pain and sorrow. And to some extent it has been successful. The world you have got used to is beginning to crumble just before eyes and it concerns almost all the spheres of your life at that. But shortly after the period of chaos...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about one more valuable quality that is typical of many people of the third dimension world and that will be very helpful to you on the Earth of the Fifth dimension. It is high expertise of many inhabitants of Earth. As a rule, it is characteristic of the people who were lucky to figure out what their mission is and, consequently, do the work they like most. To brush their skills and get to know the twists and turns of the...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Survival and adaptation skills)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking what else can be kept in the “piggy bank” of the third dimension world experience. And this time we will talk about the skill of a person to get adapted to a variety of life circumstances that fate sends them. As a matter of fact, this invaluable experience of survival in any conditions will be also useful to you in the Fifth dimension indeed despite the fact that in the absence of duality your life will be quite different...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Brightness of life perception)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will move on to a new topic that is directly connected with the previous one – abolishment of the old power system and development of the new society of the Fifth dimension. And now I would like to talk to you about what you can take with you to the new Earth from your life in the third dimension. While most attention in my messages was concentrated on the imperfection of the third dimension world, now we will dwell on what good things it also...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to draw your attention to that in August there comes another stage of Transition and this time it will show more apparently at the physical rather than subtle level. It has resulted from the fact that the critical mass of the revived part of your planet’s population has managed to get off the ground the things that have been accumulating for a long but remained “behind the scenes”. During August there will occur significant...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Intelligence, creativity, individual approach)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the talk on upbringing and education of children, I would like to dwell on one more aspect of them. Keeping in mind that it is your children who are to develop a new society on the Earth of the Fifth dimension, do your best to reveal their talents and natural bents so as to develop them as much as possible. Do not hope that someone else will do it for you since at present the educational system in most of the countries of the world is...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Art of live communication)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, as a follow-up to my previous message let us talk about the things you can cite against the electronic “invasion” in respect of your children. The greatest problem is that children are very susceptible to the influence of their peers and always try to catch up with others. Therefore, even if they do not like something, they will do it just to be able to keep a conversation going and not to turn out “a white crow” in their friends’...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Those stuck in net)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on talking about children whom threats lie in wait for at every turn. And one of the main of them is the internet that for many people has turned into “a drug” indeed. It has become almost impossible for many parents to limit their child’s usage of the computer or phone since even education is arranged the way one almost cannot do without these electronic devices. Of course, all this was done not by chance. The main goal of the...