LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Plasmic body)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today as a round-up for our talk about the Universe Energy of Plasm I would like to offer you a simple practice that will enable you to interact with this energy on a regular basis. It will help you feel it better so that your conscience and body get used to it more and more making closer the moment when it will become a permanent companion of your life. We will call this practice “Plasmic body”. It does not require a deep meditative state but, as usual,...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Universe Energy of Plasm in extraterrestrial technologies)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about one more peculiarity of the Universe Energy of Plasm. And this time what will be at issue is its application in various extraterrestrial technologies. We will not dwell on its technical characteristics and ways of adoption into these or those designs. I will just give you a general idea of how wide the range of its application is. Since we talked about its healing abilities, probably, you have already guessed that it is...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Changing reality)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on getting acquainted with the Universe Energy of Plasm and will look into one more field of its application. Beside healing qualities this energy features the ability of reconstruction of the events that are programmed by the high order creatures. Since this energy is of very high vibrations, it can be interacted with only by those whose conscience is at the level not lower than that of the Fifth dimension. A lot of you have already used it...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today, on the first year of the new year, I would like to make you happy with some good news. This month will be critical in the confrontation of the Light Forces and Dark at the physical level indeed. And, first of all, it concerns the information component. Since during the previous year a huge number of people were exposed to the procedure of the so-called “vaccination” and there have accumulated enough statistics on its fateful influence on human...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Plasmic ray)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the Universe Energy of Plasm, and today I will tell you how and when you can use it. In general, this energy is versatile and has a wide range of action. Still, so as to learn to use it and, which is more important, to believe in your success, I suggest you should start small in order to see the results of its work. Start with, for example, removing minor flaws of your skin that every one of you is likely to have. And since...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Universe Energy of Plasm)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about your interaction with your body: its systems and separate organs. But first, I would like to offer you a new energy that will be widely used by people as their vibrations will be increasing. And at issue there will be the Universe Energy of Plasm. In what way is it different from other energies – those I offered you before? First of all, in its composition. In terms of vibrations this energy is close to the Energy of...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Energy recharge)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, after we have dwelled on all the aspects of modern medicine, I would like to start some kind of an introductory course into the medicine of the future. Or rather, the thing at issue be the medicine of the transition period when many of you by your conscience will be at the energy space of the Fifth dimension but your bodies will not have acquired the parameters corresponding to it yet. We have already talked a lot about the qualities of the light...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (“Fortuities of fate”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize my series of messages on modern medicine. As you see, in this sphere of your life cutting-edge technologies and developments are as well often not only beyond Divine Universal Laws but also assume a horrible and unnatural character, which cripples human bodies and souls. Well, why do people let it happen? Some fall victims to the tricks of the medical entrepreneurs out of ignorance since put absolute truth in people in a...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Stem cells)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So as to round up with the issue of physical intervention into your body under the pretext of its rescue, we will study one more phenomenon that is less common, yet, it features a steady tendency for further development. And the thing at issue is stem cells and bone marrow transplantation. What is bone marrow of man? And why is just this expression used? Of course, it arose not by chance since you associate brain with intelligence. And while encephalon is a...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Medical implants)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about one more phenomenon that arose “thanks to” modern medicine. And at issue there will be implants that now have also become widely spread. And while some of them appeared as one of the kinds of prosthetics, the so-called cosmetic implants rather as a means of making money for the expense of people who were tempted by the medical entrepreneurs’ advertising tricks. Unfortunately, this desire is based on the crave that has been...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (Radiation diagnostics)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will go on talking about the “wonders” of modern medicine and this time we will discuss all kinds of radiation diagnostics starting with ultrasound examination and finishing with computer tomography. As you know, these procedures have become so usual that they are prescribed to almost every patient whatever the problem they come to see a doctor with. And it is explained by the fact that such method to some extent substitutes the qualification of...

LIFE ON NEW EARTH (People’s attitude to modern medicine)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today our talk will concern your attitude towards medicine rather than medicine itself. And we will start with how one’s opinion about this or that thing arises. Before all, it happens, of course, in the family where a child gets their first skills of social life. They follow the example of their parents, grandparents carefully watching their behaviour and listening to what they talk about. Grown-ups often do not take into account that a child is close by...