Greetings, my dear beloved children! And again I turn to the present-day situation on Earth. Why do I tell you about all the twists and turns of the energy processes now in progress? First of all, the reason is that it is exactly these processes that are the “flywheel” for the processes at the physical level. And today I would like to explain to you one more energy mechanism that shows in a quite vivid and graphical way these days. What do you think is the reason for the aggression of the...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! In today’s message I would like to show you the twists and turns of karmic laws functioning in terms of energy changes on your planet. As it has already been said more than once in my messages, thanks to the new high vibration energies that are arriving at Earth now, time frames of these laws functions have compressed to the utmost. And it has happened because at present all the energy processes are swiftly changing their parameters. I have already told...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! And there is one more thing I would like to tell you about in respect of the recent events on Earth. I know that many of you feel confused about the fact that the Transition of Earth has followed such seemingly unfavourable scenario as a military conflict in Ukraine that causes so much pain and sorrow to people. Of course, it is not accidental and, first of all, from the metaphysical point of view. For thirty years Ukrainians were given a chance to revive...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I would like to explain to you why the revelry of the Dark Forces on Earth has reached its apogee now. A conscious person cannot really understand how people manage to fail to see thus apparent and undisguised lie, falseness and hypocrisy in everything that is occurring now. And what occurs on your planet now is DEMON DEBOUCH indeed. Ponder over the words. They are the ones to show the genuine essence of the present-day...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to make a short analysis of what is going on in the so-called “developed” countries of the world. At first sight, their authorities’ actions may seem absolutely absurd and lacking any sense since just before one’s eyes there occurs destruction of these countries’ economy and their citizens’ welfare. As a matter of fact, it is just a tip of the iceberg. The criminal collusion that these countries’ governments made having...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Generation of unipolar conscience)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! And the last thing that I would like to draw your attention to is upbringing of your children in a new – unipolar – “mode” that third dimension world programmes would not fit in because of their low vibrations. But it will be possible only when you yourselves get free from the influence of these programmes. Of course, it will be easier to do for those of you whose children do not attend school or kindergarten, with a well-established system of...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to talk to you about vibration confrontation. This is the thing now in progress all across your planet. As a result of the recent events on Earth, the stratification of people in terms of vibrations is not simply increasing but is turning into confrontation indeed. Since each human emotion conveys this or that charge, the totality of homogeneous emotions of thousands of people intensifies it manifold. Gradually the concentration of...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Unconventional approach)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to focus on one more peculiarity of the third dimension programmes existence in your society. And what will be at issue is how you can control them so as to prevent them from further spreading. As I have already told more than once in my messages, only unusual – nonstandard – reaction can break the chain of stereotyped behaviour of the people around you. And it stands to reason, for any expected answer or action just makes any settled...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Dissolving third dimension “web”)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the programmes of the third dimension world on a global scale now and dwell on their interaction with collective human conscience. I would like you to work not only on your own conscience and subtle bodies, but on common collective conscience as well. But there are some peculiarities of its own, and the main of them is that collective human conscience is not homogeneous since it embraces not only the conscience of pure human souls,...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Consolidating results)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, we have come up to the last point of the plan on deliverance of your subtle sense organs from the third dimension world programmes influence. And it is in consolidating the results of your work. How can you check whether there are any traces of these programmes left in your conscience, subconscience and, consequently, subtle bodies? Before all, you can understand it judging by your reaction to current events and the people around you. This is what we...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Disconnecting from third dimension programmes)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the way you can learn to feel your subtle bodies’ reaction to these or those programmes of the third dimension world. A lot of you undeliberately feel the reaction of your lower chakras when you are “sick at heart” or you have “a lump in the throat” or your solar plexus is chilled with fear. But now we will move on further so as to learn to monitor whole programmes rather than certain negative emotions that are triggered by...

WINDOW ON NEW WORLD (Reasons for subconscious programmes appearance)
Greeting, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the reasons for these or those programmes emerging in your subconscience. Of course, most of them are based on the so-called “social customs” – the morals and manners that in the third dimension world are implanted in one from childhood. Even the dual mentality itself that features separation is the main programme of the third dimension world and that for many incarnations of people on Earth has become securely impressed in...