THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Be attentive to people)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to summarize the information about the medium level astral beings and highlight one more aspect which is not treated with attention while of great importance. I am going to speak about your attitude to the people who don’t play any particular part in your life or infringe your interests being neither your friends nor enemies, in a word, about the so-called neutral people at the background of your routine life. Sometimes you just take no...

Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like you to glimpse the interplay of the worlds and tell you what has happened recently at the subtle level of Earth. The highlight of the previous months is the transformation of the human collective conscience. At the physical plane it is hardly noticeable, though, but at the subtle one this sacred process gains in speed with every single day. Just as a disease caused by negative thoughts and emotions comes into being first in the subtle...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Astral beings evolution)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on speaking about the medium level astral beings. The level they inhabit is a peculiar stratum in between the upper and the lower astral levels. As soon as they are the reflection of humans of vibration frequencies similar to their own ones they seem to be the most abundant in the astral world. My dear ones, there is certainly no clear-cut boundary between the three astral levels. Evolution or, on the contrary, involution is...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (“Medium” astral)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to tell you about another astral world level that affects humans as much though it is far less known than the lower and the upper ones. It can conventionally be called medium astral level. It is inhabited by the astral beings with no prominent qualities, neither positive nor negative. They are the subtle level reflection of those usually called the men in the street and this is what the overwhelming majority of the planet’s population...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (How to remove magic affect)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I would like to go on explaining how you could escape from the influence of lower astral beings with demonic beings among them. It has already been said in my recent message that for their rites all magicians and wizards make use of their clients’ energy channels exposing humans to permanent influence of demonic beings that have been called on for work. Having once opened the channel they keep it in service all the time. So, their criminal...

Greetings, our dear earthlings! My today’s message will be unusual because it is addressed mainly to the readers of “The Renaissance” site. And there is a reason for that. Each new Father – Absolute’s message contributes more and more to the revealing of the mechanism of interaction of the human and the astral world with the latter being the continuation and at the same time the reflection of the things taking place on Earth. Now when the merging, implosion, of different dimensions...

Greetings, dear earthlings! We haven’t contacted you for a long time not because we have nothing to tell you but because our work on Earth is becoming more and more apparent and we are not willing to give it publicity to prevent unsound curiosity of humans unaware of what is going on. Yet, today we would like you to get half the bottom of the mystery concerning our activity on the planet of Earth so that you could feel our love and care. As you already know, we are your next of kin and you...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Self-exorcism)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! In my yesterday’s message I told you how to avoid lower astral beings’ influence. It was the so-called «preventive measure». So, today I am going to tell you what to do if you «have already fallen ill» and lower astral beings have broken in your subtle bodies and settled there. The common case seems to be when one is seized by fear, which is also reflected in your language. As you already know, my dear ones, fear is the energy of the lowest frequency...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (How to neutralize the lower astral beings’ influence)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will discuss the way you can neutralize the lower astral beings influence on you and the way you can close the channel of their influence on your conscience. First of all, which is the most important, you should learn to recognize the state of being influenced. This is how you can manage that. Try to monitor every single emotion and thought you get, even the transient one. The strict supervision will help to estimate the frequency vibration of any...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Magicians and wizards)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Having described the structure of the lower astral world and the scheme of its inhabitants and humans’ interaction I would like to focus on another aspect of this interaction: how it can be changed, precisely, how not to let extraneous thoughts and emotions into one’s conscience. Most humans on the planet think and act unconsciously as they know not what they do. They got influenced by the momentary urge being unaware of the fact that it was created in...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Egregor of meanness)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today I will tell you how lower astral beings communicate at the subtle level and you will be surprised at the exact way it reflects the things that take place at the dense level of Earth. The best name for “the mutual aid union” of astral beings that was spoken about in my previous message is “the Egregor of Meanness” because it has incorporated all its subdivisions, the slightest shades of negative energy in existence. It is the mankind profile in...

THE WORLD OF ASTRAL (Lower astral beings cooperation)
Greetings, my dear beloved children! So, let’s go on speaking about the world of astral which is the reflection of your thoughts, emotions and actions. I decided to let you know about all its ins and outs so that you would realize how far-reaching consequences of your emotions are and how dangerous it is to let them out carelessly. You have already been told many times that each human being is a whole Universe and, believe me, my dear ones, it is not an exaggeration. Everyone creates one’s...